Chimorel’s Resource Developer, Manager, Planner/Coach and Coordinator positions are its primary support positions.
There are currently five Planner positions anticipated: a Goal Setting Planner, a Financial Planner, a Broker/Agent, a Project Planner and a Supervising Planner. A Coach has specific skills and is likely to be an Independent Contractor.
We currently seek Work Experience Coordinators and Neighborhood Recycling Coordinators. We anticipate needing Cooperative Advertising Coordinators, Business Incubation Coordinators and Marketing Coordinators, which are closer to Development Positions.
Job Description
Current Opening
$15-$25,000/yr part-time as Independent Contractor
$35-50,000+/yr full-time as an Independent Contractor
$35-50,000 + unlimited benefits/yr when invited to become an employee
Things a Resource Developer Does
A competent Resource Developer is a unique, special person with great marketing skills and a caring heart. All Chimorel employees will support others to develop resources, to solve problems and to achieve goals from time to time; however, a Resource Developer takes resource developing to a new level as he/she supports individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations become the best they can be as they develop the resources they need to solve problems and achieve goals. Here are some of the things a Resource Developer might do. Please note that, although this list is fairly comprehensive, it is only part of what a Resource Developer could be involved in.
Invite People to Buy Stuff | Set Appointments | Raise Funds | Develop Introductory Meetings
Recycle Computers | Remodeling & Construction | Develop Databases
Build Businesses | Cooperative Advertising | Create Special Projects
Invite People to Buy Stuff
As you start to get serious about becoming a Resource Developer, one of the first things you should do is check out our Buy Stuff shopping mall.
A few years ago, before she died, Warren’s wife showed him a renewal slip for Time magazine, saying “This is the best deal they have offered me. It’s only $34 for 52 magazines.” Warren checked two of Chimorel’s merchants and got her 56 issues for $24. Chimorel received $7.20. As a fully paid Resource Developer, Warren could earn $6.28 for the six minutes he spent or the equivalent of about $63.80/hr. He actually left it for Chimorel.
As we develop the shopping mall and you invite people to buy stuff, they will be able to find almost anything they need. Frequently they will save money and always they will be developing resources to support others or themselves. You will also want to learn about our Scrip program, Chimorel4U on eBay and a number of our affiliate programs.
Set Appointments
Do you like to talk to people on the phone? If this skill is your forte, you will be able to develop clients for the profit members and affiliates of The Chimorel Group. At the beginning you may tell people about our goal setting and problem-solving opportunities.
Eventually, you can develop clients who remodel their homes, build new homes or acquire/renovate/build commercial properties. You might talk to realtors, banks, mortgage brokers and owners to enable Chimorel to acquire real estate. You might seek donations of computers, office equipment, cars and many other things. You might set appointments for insurance agents, stock brokers, financial planners and others.
Your marketing and client service responsibilities would involve gathering information, setting appointments and following up to be sure prospect and client needs are met. You might also be involved in selling, writing scripts, creating videos, as well as, developing advertising and public relations copy.
Raise Funds
Once you are a fully paid Resource Developer, you will earn 3-7% of the funds you raise. Another 3+/-% will be allocated to the costs of management and fund raising. If you can enable us to keep these costs down you can earn more.
Prior to being a fully paid Resource Developer you can become a member and Authorized Fund Raiser for Chimorel. This allows you to use your Recommendation Privilege for 50% of the funds you raise. You will learn more about being an Authorized Fund Raiser and your Recommendation Privilege as you continue to learn about Chimorel.
Teach other Nonprofits to Raise Funds: Almost every nonprofit organization has a constant need to raise funds to support its programs. You can help in two ways.
First, encourage each nonprofit group you meet to involve their clients in developing the funds needed to provide the services received. Clients are more likely to buy into the counseling, etc. they receive if they are part of raising the funds needed. We urge nonprofit groups to teach people to fish rather than raising money to buy fish.
Second, you can suggest many unique ways to raise funds:.
- Chimorel donates 10% of funds raised from computers we sell, when a nonprofit sends a large company to Chimorel.
- You can suggest a nonprofit learn about our $1000 > $5000 program.
- You can suggest a nonprofit send people to our Buy Stuff shopping mall. We donate part of our earnings for Special Projects.
- Nonprofits can work with Chimorel’s I Got a Job program. Clients can pay for services received with part of what they earn or volunteer to do things the nonprofit needs done.
- A nonprofit affiliate can enter into a joint fund raising Auction with Chimorel to receive perhaps 59% of a $50,000 to $1,000,000 event.
- As you explore this website, you will uncover many, many ideas. Something you discover may trigger you to create other alternatives.
Caution: You probably are not a licensed fund raiser. To become a licensed fund raiser there are bonding requirements, forms to complete and other issues to be aware of. You can tell people about Chimorel’s strategies to raise funds. You can tell them we will refer them to a licensed fund raiser. You can not hold yourself out as a fund raiser, tell anyone you charge a fee to support them or in any way act as a consultant. Chimorel works with fund raising consultants who are licensed. Until we know different, you are not yet one of them.
Develop Introductory / Change Your Life Meetings Meetings
Introductory meetings and potlucks are a way to tell the Chimorel story and get other organizations involved. We talk about introductory meetings and potlucks extensively in The New Recycling Story and under the 735 Plan. Change Your Life Meetings are designed to support growth. They tend to be more supportive and less “introductory.:
We show you how to initiate introductory meetings under action plans with subgoals. Introductory meetings and potlucks are marketing meetings. They can be as small as 2 or 3 people or (eventually) designed to attract 25,000+ people. You can meet with people in your home, at a church, at an office, in the community room of a restaurant or anywhere that works for you. When you are ready to develop introductory meetings and potlucks, we will support you take the first steps. You can learn more about Introductory Meetings and Change Your Life Meetings at the links above.
Recycle Computers
Let’s recycle 1000 computer systems built 3 years ago. The average value if sold retail for each system might be $50+ or the equivalent of $50,000+. If you sold a training package including the computers for $350 each, the value could be $350,000. On a wholesale basis the same systems might generate as little as $8/each or $8,000. If the systems were older, we might get less than $1000.
Now let’s assume you (1) locate a company willing to donate the systems, (2) set up a training program to prepare the systems and market all 1000 systems on a retail basis, You could earn $50,000 or more, perhaps $125,000 if you marketed training packages. If you just located 1000 older systems you might earn less than $100. Obviously there is some real potential, but you need to learn a lot and be willing to manage the process well to be sure you don’t spend a lot of time with little return.
Home Builder
How would you like to have $30,000 to $80,000 for retirement or your kids education. We suspect your clients would also. Through Chimorel’s Home Builder Program, we will teach you how to enable someone to save 15+% on a $100,000 or $200,000 project. After taxes and interest, this might translate into $30,000 or $80,000. Each time you enable someone to initiate a $5000 Home Builder Program, you earn $450+.
Develop Databases
Developing databases is one of the critical aspects of all marketing efforts. We currently have over 50,000 businesses in our database and are constantly adding to it. As we begin Introductory Meetings we will develop databases designed to limit marketing efforts to “motivated people” who want to enhance their lives through Chimorel programs. When you are ready, we can provide you with an Access program which will make database development efficient. If marketing is not your forte, database development can be a good way to get involved as a Resource Developer.
Build Businesses
As a fully paid Resource Developer training to become a Manager, if someone becomes a Business member for $500, you earn $50+. If someone initiates a $5000 business consulting program, you could earn $500 or more.
Every business needs to increase sales and develop marketing strategies. Our Cooperative Effort Program and Cooperative Advertising can help. Most businesses would like to reduce costs. You may eventually be able to help businesses with human resource issues, technology issues and much more through our Business Coaching Program.
Cooperative Advertising
We are actively looking for a Cooperative Advertising Coordinator and Cooperative Advertising Representatives. Both of these positions are initially commission based.
Cooperative advertising means that businesses and nonprofit groups can save significantly by advertising through a variety of media with other organizations looking for similar clients. If an ad costs $500 and five groups share in the cost, the same ad costs each advertiser $100. Because of Chimorel’s unique approach, we frequently reduce the cost even further and enhance the potential results with our follow up procedures.
When you are ready to explore cooperative advertising, we will teach you more about the benefits and how to turn this activity into a strong potential source of revenue for both you and your clients.
Create Special Projects
Every where you look there are projects to do. People with major hospital bills. The devastation after Katrina or a tsunami. People coming out of jails or mental institutions. People recovering after a fire. Lonely people desperate for someone to talk to. Nonprofits seeking funds for their programs. What is the Special Project that touches your heart?
What ever it is that tugs at your heart, Chimorel will work with you to solve the problem, set goals and develop the action steps to make it happen. Action Planning members can initiate a Special Project.
Continuing to Learn More about Resource Developers
At the beginning Resource Developers typically focus on helping people Set Goals, develop Action Plans and Follow Up. An easy way to start is to invite people to use the Scrip program and to buy stuff. You might invite several friends over and show them the possibilities on your computer. Soon you will organizing Change Your Life and Introductory Meetings, developing prospect databases and doing prospect research. You may be involved in Special Event planning, telemarketing, door-to-door canvassing and mass emailing.
Other Resource Development tasks could involve recycling research, soliciting donations of computers, rebuilding computers, remodeling and construction, car repairs, assisting with training programs and finding or developing sites for recycling centers.
You could do patent research, engineering drawings, greenhouse farming, verma-composting and more. If you have skills in working with and training people, you might become involved in helping Coordinators develop programs to work with the homeless, welfare recipients, the juvenile court, parolees, school systems and job placement efforts.
At this point it should be obvious that the scope of a Resource Developer’s job can be quite broad. One caveat, as you begin to develop resources for more than one part of Chimorel, you must strengthen your organizational skills. Trying to do too much simultaneously can dissipate your focus, weaken your effectiveness and reduce your earning potential. Warren speaks from genuine experience.
A second caveat, although the things you are learning about may sound like Chimorel is a vast organization, it is still at the beginning of its development phase. We have worked with thousands of clients, seminar participants and students, but much of it has been in conjunction with other more established organizations. A lot of the original support we provided was for free or in exchange for other things or services. There is still a lot of work to do to make all the things you read about real.
A paid Resource Developer starts as a part-time Independent Contractor. The IRS has guidelines that define an independent contractor. When you move from a Volunteer to becoming an Independent Contractor, you will review these guidelines to be sure you understand your role. In large part, you will control how much you earn and how you will spend your time. Your earnings will be based on your accomplishments, not on how much time you spend.
Although you won’t be paid on an hourly basis, you should anticipate the equivalent of $1-25+/hr depending on your skills, organizational ability and actual accomplishments. With a 10-15 hour/wk commitment on your part, it is reasonable to earn $100 to $350+/wk; however, you need to accomplish your goals to actually be paid. Typically, you would be paid once each month, but actual compensation arrangements can be flexible.
If you are on welfare, worker’s compensation, social security disability income or some other program which provides the basis of your support OR if you are not very confident in your skill level, you may want to initiate a Chimorel Training Program and remain a Volunteer. Ask for more details, if you are interested. As you develop other Resource Developers, new clients and the right skills, you can become a Manager, a Planner, Coordinator and Coach.
Skills and Keywords:
- Any level of education. Entry level position with significant training provided.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Decent writer and speaker.
- Able or learn to sell. Coachable.
- Independent thinker. Action oriented.
- Strong customer focus. Learn and implement effective marketing strategies.
Responsibility Allocation: Administrative 5-10%, Marketing 25-50%, Program 50-80%, Technical 5-15%.
Ask your manager for a spreadsheet to calculate potential earnings.
Return to Strategic Support Positions
Job Description
Current Opening
$20-$35,000/yr part-time as Independent Contractor
$35-100,000+/yr full-time as an Independent Contractor
$35-100,000 + unlimited benefits/yr when invited to become an employee
You are first a trainer and a manager. You recruit, train and motivate Resource Developers. In cooperation with Chimorel Management, you revise and enhance our Resource Developer training as appropriate. You coordinate introductory meetings and potlucks. You are a competent sales person and can teach your skills to others.
With regard to memberships, you focus your selling efforts on Nonprofit, Small Business, Corporate and Lifetime memberships. You assist Members, Trainees and Resource Developers to initially focus their selling efforts on Starter Memberships, Action Planner Memberships and Five Goal plans. As they are ready you encourage your proteges to market higher level memberships.
You might sell any program you are trained for, but your focus is to teach trainees and resource developers to effectively sell programs. Members and Trainees may focus their initial selling efforts on Client Assistance, Odd Job and I Got a Job programs. Resource developers might start with these three programs, add Create a Career and Concerned Citizen programs. As they complete the needed training they may step up as quickly as possible to all the other programs, according to their interest and knowledge.
You assist Planners, Coaches and Distribution Committees to develop and implement goals, action plans, programs and Special Projects for clients. You become very skilled in assisting clients to develop the resources needed to solve their problems, achieve their goals and implement Special Projects. You teach members and participants to fish for a lifetime, rather than giving them a fish today.
Expectations & Guidelines
You start as a Volunteer and Trainee as you learn your job. You complete your training and become a Resource Developer. You enroll a minimum of ten members/program participants. You recruit and train (under the guidance of another manager at least two Resource Developers. You can temporarily continue as an Independent Contractor. The degree of control Chimorel may exert regarding your management responsibilities suggests you may become an employee. If you wish to remain an Independent Contractor, you would probably return to a Resource Developer or step up to a Planner position.
You will prove yourself and be invited to become a Management employee. Your salary will be capped at $100,000/yr. You will be eligible to earn unlimited benefits based on your accomplishments. You will determine your salary and benefit expectations. Chimorel will set certain expectations of you as a Manager. You can work part-time or full-time as an employee. If you do not achieve your expectations, you can return to being a Resource Developer. Click to review Employee Compensation.
Your primary responsibility is to recruit, train and supervise Resource Developers. Depending on the circumstances you might:
- Recruit, train, motivate and supervise 10 to 50+ Resource Developers each year.
- Plan, organize and coordinate Potlucks, Introductory and Change Your Life meetings.
- Personally sell and coordinate memberships, programs and Special Projects.
- Assist planners to develop and implement goals and action plans for clients.
- Assist clients to set goals and develop action plans for Starter, Action Planner and Five Goal memberships, as well as, Client Assistance, Odd Job and Concerned Citizen Programs.
- Assist clients to set goals, develop action plans and implement higher level memberships. This may include Nonprofit, Small Business, Corporate, 735 Plan, 2100 Plan and 5000 Lifetime memberships. This means you complete the required training for these memberships.
- Assist clients to set goals, develop action plans and implement higher level programs. This may include Create a Career, I Got a Job, Work for Rent, Property Renovation, Cooperative Effort, Active Recycler, College Bound, Home Builder, Business Development, 1000>5000 programs and Special Projects. This means you complete the required training for these programs.
- Organize or provide follow up for clients for all appropriate memberships, programs and special projects.
- Develop Sponsor and Affiliate relationships with employers, nonprofits and others in process of developing specific programs in cooperation with coordinators of those programs.
- Other duties as agreed.
Regarding Meetings: Initially you might plan one small (10-25 people) or medium (25-100) meeting each month, then one or more each week. You will continue to develop the size of meetings (100-500), (500-2000), etc. Eventually you might work with other Managers and Resource Developers to plan four very large (25,000+) introductory meetings/yr in your city.
Regarding Memberships and Programs: You may focus your efforts on upgrading clients to higher level memberships and programs. This effort may require a high level of skill and creativity. You train members, trainees and Resource Developers to enroll memberships and programs, then as they are ready to upgrade clients, recruit new Resource Developers and become Managers. You will work with Planners and Distribution Committees to implement Lifetime memberships and Special Projects for 50% to 90% of your clients.
Increase Responsibility: You should anticipate becoming a Planner, Coach and or Coordinator. To develop these skills you work with existing Planners, Coaches and Coordinators assisting as appropriate. The focus is to enable each client to solve problems and achieve increasingly larger goals.
Skills and Keywords:
- Any level of education. 1-3 years management experience desirable.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Effective writer and speaker.
- Ability to sell and teach others to sell. Ability to manage others. Able to train.
- Able to identify strengths and weaknesses, determine alternatives, make decisions.
- Strong customer focus. Knowledge of and ability to implement effective marketing strategies.
Responsibility Allocation: Administrative 10-25%, Marketing 25-50%, Program 50-75%, Technical 5-15%.
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate potential earnings.
Return to Strategic Support Positions
There are five types of Planners anticipated: (1) a Goal Setting Planner, (2) a Financial Planner, (3) a Broker/Agent, (4) a Project Planner and (5) a Supervising Planner. You may be interested in being licensed in more than one area, which could add to your income potential. Your income as a Planner would depend on your skills, organizational ability, and marketing achievements.
Your income could range from the equivalent of $7-$100/hr or $14,000 to $200,000+/yr. Above the $100,000/yr salary cap your earnings are likely to be in the form of a variety of benefits. Let’s look briefly at each type.
A Goal Setting Planner may be a licensed social worker, psychologist, teacher, minister or other professional who administers a social service, educational program or business development program for Chimorel. Warren has been a social worker, treatment team coordinator, college instructor and a Certified Alcoholism Counselor. Appropriate accreditation is helpful, but not required. Specific skill set training is required.
There will be many opportunities to develop goal setting programs at Chimorel, including working with our I Got a Job program which can serve as the Human Resources department for a small businesses. You do not need a license of any kind to become a Goal Setting Planner conducting Goal Setting Interviews. When you organize more comprehensive social service, educational, etc. programs, however, you may need the appropriate license or certification.
A Financial Planner working with Chimorel must be a Certified Financial Planner or a CFP candidate. A CFP will always supervise a CFP candidate and may supervise Brokers / Agents. Warren was a CFP. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Financial Planner, we can assist you to meet the requirements and the costs.
A Broker/Agent is an insurance agent, stockbroker, real estate broker/agent, mortgage broker or similar sales representative with the license(s) required to execute specific transactions. Warren has been a stockbroker, insurance agent and realtor. We have relationships with stockbrokers, insurance agents, real estate agents and mortgage brokers and can support you to get the licenses required. If you identify one or more licenses you wish to pursue, we can assist you to meet the requirements and costs.
A Project Planner may not need any licenses or certifications. When funds are available to plan for a specific project, a prospective Coordinator could quickly become a paid Project Planner. A Project Planner develops a particular program in an area Chimorel is concerned about. Chimorel is currently researching and developing programs in five areas: (1) College Bound, (2) Homeless/ Welfare in Columbus, (3) Recycling and Source Reduction, (4) Business Incubation and (5) Financial Planning. Distribution committees for each of these programs need to be formed. Funding needs to be established. A Project Planner researches the resources required, then develops and implements the project.
A Supervising Planner supervises the efforts of other planners. At this point Warren is most likely to supervise the efforts of other planners. In time other supervising planners will be developed.
Any Financial, Broker/Agent, Goal Setting or Project Planner with appropriate training can work with a Supervising Planner to enable individuals to set goals, clarify goals and develop action steps. Any Planner with training can help a Supervising Planner conduct assessments with businesses and nonprofit groups. As a paid Resource Developer you can develop the skills to become a Planner by assisting a Supervising Planner with Goal Setting Interviews and Organizational Assessments.
Meet Requirements & Costs
When we say we will support you to meet the requirements and costs, we mean the word support. We have tuition payment plans, ways to raise the funds, contacts which can assist in your learning and more. You must make the commitment to raise the funds to provide your training, talk to the contacts and do the studying.
Skills and Keywords:
- Typically, a higher level of education suitable for the type of planner you become. 2-5+ years experience in related field desirable.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Effective writer and speaker.
- Ability to plan and market, as well as, to teach others these skills.
- Ability to manage others, as well as, to visualize and implement successful outcomes for clients.
- Able to identify strengths and weaknesses, determine alternatives, make decisions.
- Strong customer focus. Knowledge of and ability to implement effective planning strategies.
Responsibility Allocation: Administrative 10-25%, Marketing 20-50%, Program 55-80%, Technical 5-10%.
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate potential earnings.
Business Coach / Consultant
Current Opening
$28-$35,000/yr part-time as Independent Contractor
$50-100,000+/yr full-time as an Independent Contractor
$50-100,000 + unlimited benefits/yr when invited to become an employee
See Planner for related responsibilities. Frequently this position will be an Independent Contractor position. You will run your own coaching/consulting business and agree to work with Chimorel, upholding high standards of integrity.
As an Independent Contractor, you most likely will create your own position and may want to review our Cultivate This Position section.
Return to Strategic Support Positions
You are a problem solver, manager and a salesperson. You can hear the needs of employers, as you develop solutions that put our trainees to work. You develop temp to perm positions for our trainees, as a significant source of your income.
You find new trainees and inspire them to work productively. You train these clients. You follow up with employers and with hired trainees to ensure things go smoothly. You solve problems when things do not go smoothly. You will modify and enhance this job description, establish your duties and agree to your initial compensation.
Three Primary Areas of Responsibility
You will be responsible for one of these primary areas of responsibility and will assist as needed with the other two areas of primary responsibility.
- Recruit and motivate a minimum of 100 prospective trainees, at least 50 of whom enter and complete our I Got a Job program. This means they complete their Temp to Perm position and successfully keep their full-time position for at least six months.
- Train a minimum of 50 trainees who complete their training and Temp to Perm position. This may require training 75 to 100+ trainees. You would teach customer service, warehouse, computer repair, office, retail, telemarketing and other skills, as appropriate.
- Develop and enroll (with assistance from others) a minimum of 50 Temp to Perm positions with employers. If this is your primary responsibility, you should anticipate creating 100+ Temp to Perm positions.
Other Responsibilities could involve, but are not limited to:
- Develop fund raising activities which provide training and work experience activities for our trainees.
- Establish relationships with and referring to other training programs for GED, certified training and work experience for our clients.
- Communicate with radio, television and other media to announce Chimorel programs and events.
- Plan one or more Introductory meetings or events which raise funds and tell the Chimorel story.
- Establish and provide training in math and reading for trainees needing these skills.
- Recruiting and coaching clients for the Create a Career program.
- Identifying, training and managing trainees who have the potential to assist you in each of the three primary areas of responsibility.
You start as a volunteer as you learn your job. This requirement ensures you have the ability to do the job, enables you to decide your focus and demonstrates your enthusiasm for the position.
Initally, you earn $20 cash per paid Starter Member, $200/trainee enrolled and $200/Temp to Perm position developed. Depending on many factors, these amounts will increase.
In the event your position is created as part of a grant, your base and standard pay would be $15,000/yr from the grant. Once you completed 15+ Temp to Perm positions, you would receive increases according to your achievements with a salary cap of $100,000 plus unlimited benefits.
The same standard of 15+ Temp to Perm positions applies if your position is not created through a grant. See Employee Compensation regarding base pay, standard pay, incentive pay, bonuses and benefits.
Skills and Keywords
- Bachelor’s Degree or higher preferred. 1-3 years experience in related field desirable.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active Listener. Effective speaker and writer.
- Ability to sell. Ability to train in appropriate skills. Ability to develop & implement training in needed skill areas even if not a personal skill. Ability to bring in outside training resources when appropriate.
- Able to indentify strengths and weaknesses, determine alternatives, make decisions.
- Strong customer focus. Knowledge of and ability to implement effective marketing strategies.
Responsibility Allocation: Administrative 5-15%, Marketing 25-50%, Program 50-80%, Technical 5-15%.
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate potential earnings.
Current Opening
Neighboorhood Recycling Coordinator Primary Areas of Responsibility
- Establish Positive Relationships with Neighbors and Businesses:
- Recruit, Train and Supervise Recycling Agents:
- Conduct Introductory/Sales meetings:
Anticipated Positions:
Cooperative Advertising Coordinator
Business Incubation Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator