Change Your Life = Do Something
Transform Your Life
It is a pretty simple message with a very profound meaning. When you want to create transformational change in your life and in the world, do something. Start with something simple. Attend a meeting. Invite a friend. Smile more often.
Events and meetings are beginning to happen pretty frequently now, but they are not always called “Change your Life.” At every event at the Sanctuary you should expect to make at least one decision.
We offer more things to do under the Getting Started, Do Something and Support Someone links to the right. Go as fast or slow as you want. Once you begin the transformational process, never stop.
Transform the World
Changing the world takes hard work. Let’s start with you. As your confidence grows, set bigger goals and be willing to support more people. We believe everyone, perhaps everything, is connected at a very deep level, Once again, this carries a very profound meaning.
What you do when you begin to transform the world impacts the changes taking place within you … and yes the transformation taking place within you impacts what happens in the world around you.
Welcome to the opportunity! Let’s make something happen together!
Transformation starts with making small decisions. It only takes a few seconds to make a decision that can change your life. It may take years to clear away all the issues before you can make that decision. You clear away all the issues by making many small decisions. Making decisions is what you do at the beginning. Then you do what you decide and the transformation process continues.
As you take steps to do something which changes your life for the better or not, you impact what is happening in the world around you. Not every meeting listed under Register Today will be called a Change Your Life meeting. Some will be training sessions. Some will introduce people to certain aspects of Chimorel, Global Won or perhaps a Chimorel affiliate. Many will be fund raising events.
At every meeting you should be prepared to do something: Complete a Let’s Stay in Touch form or check that you came, if you have already completed a form in the past. Decide to volunteer for a project. Support someone as they work on solving a problem or achieving a goal. Make a donation. Enter a membership or program. Bring aluminum cans, ewaste or eBay items. Bring a potluck dish or pay $7-$21 for the meal provided. Chances are you will actually do more than one thing.
Recognize that all of these little decisions and action steps have an impact. They impact you. They empower you to support others. Together you impact the world. Chimorel events are much more than a party. They are intentional. They open the door to opportunities. At the farm you will find peace and inspiration. You will also make decisions that can Change the World as you Change Your Life. Catch the two words or not. Not making decisions does not change anything.
Getting Started
Getting started means beginning to take a lot of small steps. One powerful step is to Tell Us About You. A second meaningful step is to start your Free Success Journey. Below at Do Something and Support Someone we suggest many other steps you can take.
Click the Single Eagle in any header to Tell Us About You, especially if you would like to start a Change Your Life program in your area.
Begin to Change Your Life. Make the powerful decision that gets you started.

Begin to Change Your Life
Whatever is happening in your life (good / bad) reach out to someone today. This is the first step to truly change your life. Being connected to others is our second Source of Strength. Recognizing that in a profoundly deep way we are all connected brings you close to our first Source of Strength. These Sources of Strength empower you to make the changes you want to make.
Changing your life is both easy and very hard. It only takes a brief second to make the decision that changes your life. The steps can be gradual and done at a pace that is not overwhelming or they may be instantaneous. On the hard side, it may take weeks, months, even years to get all the issues you are struggling with out of the way before you can make that decision.
A wimpy, New Year’s resolution, won’t do it. The decision needs to come from deep within, from a realization that you are not alone. In concert with others you will take steps to actually change your life. Others will share these steps with you. That’s why meetings are important.
It Is True
To change your life you must do something. Let’s begin now. On the Not Scheduled Meetings side, the first thing you might do is to Contact Us to develop meetings in your area. You could just schedule a pot luck with a few friends. You can initiate your free Success Journey and invite your friends to join you. Don’t forget to reach out to others or to set a clear goal. When you Contact Us we’ll give you lots of other things to do, as well.
For scheduled meetings, the first thing you want to do is bring a friend or three. Tell us their names and phone numbers. Then pick them up and actually bring them instead of just extending an invitation.
You and your friends might come early and help set up. You could assist in preparing/getting the food for meetings or in planning future activities. At the meeting plan on making a donation, becoming a member, entering a program, volunteering time or making some other decision. These simple things strengthen the commitment which implements the change you anticipate.

Breaking bread together is powerful. Sharing something warm and healthy with friends after a little inspiration and some well planned activities builds a bond to support someone and earns you the right to ask them to support you. You can break bread with us at a scheduled meeting or just invite some friends to your home and share important things together with a friendly pot luck or barbecue. Talk about the things you are learning and make plans to expand your circle to regularly scheduled meetings.
Food preparation takes time, money and planning. It works best if there is a committee responsible for putting everything together. Initially, you want at least three volunteers and a planned source for food and supplies to implement this committee. A well designed pot luck works well. Eventually, funds and volunteers for feeding people will be a part of the entire process to support people as they begin to change their lives.
A big part of supporting people is making friends. Inviting friends is the first part, but getting them involved becomes even more important. When people enjoy getting together with an expanding group of friends, Change Your Life meetings become powerful opportunities to transform lives and make the world a little better.
For Scheduled Meetings everyone involved must reach out to others. Invite people. Inspire people. Uncover what they want. Teach them to support each other. Lead them to actually change their lives and the lives of their friends.
When meetings are not yet scheduled in your area, the process is similar, but less formal. Reach out. Tell others about Chimorel. Explore the website together. Talk about the transformation you anticipate. Work together to make something happen. Start scheduled meetings with a group of your friends.

Activities &
Just getting together for a friendly conversation does not change your life and probably won’t inspire others to change the world. Activities and exercises might initially focus on inspiring newcomers, but soon they need to target achieving specific goals.
At Scheduled Meetings, especially as the meetings grow, there may be sections that focus on getting a job, building a career, losing weight, funding a Special Project, getting out of debt, building the home of your dreams, starting/strengthening a business, recycling, feeding the hungry and many other transformational activities.
What you do will start with the needs of the friends you attract and will grow to encompass a network of support, inspiration and guidance so that everyone can take steps to achieve their goals.
This might involve teaching skills like typing, using a computer, Cyber Security, even salesmanship. It might use strategies from AA, NA, etc. It might involve fund raising for a specific cause. It should build self-confidence and challenge participants to achieve constantly bigger goals
When meetings are not scheduled you can start with Chimorel’s free Success Journey. Take steps to get your friends involved as you begin to change your life. Encourage them to change their lives and develop a strong base of support. You can do this using dynamic strategies you learn through Chimorel. You can also do this by conducting your own research.
Money &
As you get involved, become a member, initiate a Special Project and become inspired to eventually do something about world hunger, world peace, political ineptness, limits to growth, micro-lending and any of the multitude of challenges the world faces, you will become increasingly aware that it takes money and other resources to make things happen.
At Scheduled Meetings and when meetings are not scheduled and as you explore this website, you will discover that Chimorel has developed a variety of ways to create the resources required.

Support Someone
Once you have started your free Success Journey, you will learn about many ways to support others. As you support others, you begin to build a very powerful base to support yourself. Recognize that when the focus is entirely on you, you reduce the power you receive from working together toward mutual goals. Reach out to support others.
Volunteer / Acts of Service
Typically, the jobs you acquire through Chimorel, start by asking you to volunteer. You may find that getting a job elsewhere, frequently can be enhanced by judicious volunteering. Part of this is a willingness to prove yourself, before being offered a job. Part of this is a measure of your heartfelt concern for others.
You can become an Authorized Fund Raiser, an Event Planner or a Resource Developer with Chimorel. All of these positions at Chimorel start as a volunteer and can move at your pace toward full or part-time employment with an expected minimum of $50,000 annual income for fulltime.
As a volunteer, you ask a friend how you can be of support. Once you have provided the support you have earned the right to ask your friend to support you. Together you support others. Their lives improve and the world gets a little better.
Support someone to transform their life. Be a friend. Listen. Ask “What is important to you?” Teach others to fish, rather than giving them a fish. Open a door. Become an altruistic member. Record the details of what you do and tell us. These acts of service support others and frequently give us ways to support you.

At Scheduled Meetings you will be invited to make donations, to become a member, to enter a program and to volunteer. When you step up, you inspire others to do the same. Donations may involve money, but they also involve volunteering, giving things like old computers, equipment, food and professional service.
Right now, you can click on the Donate link above. At any time you can click on the Donate Now link our home page, whether or not you ever attend a scheduled meeting, and make something happen.
Reach Out
At Scheduled Meetings reach out and make new friends. Support someone and earn the right to ask them to support you. Today reach out to a friend or even a stranger. Support them. Invite them to start their own free Success Journey, to get involved, to support someone else, to support you. When you support enough other people, you will develop the resources to meet your needs.
Action Leader
An Action Leader works closely with 2-8 New Participants at each meeting to ensure they understand the complete Chimorel picture. Each Action Leader should be quite familiar with this area of the website. Action Leaders conduct inspirational sessions at each meeting based on these six elements:
1) Seek Abundance
2) Enhance Relationships
3) Invigorate Health
4) Manifest Vision
5) Develop Leaders and
6) Transform Lives.
Action Leaders follow up after meetings to answer questions, share the website and enable each participant to take real steps to transform his/her life.

Your opportunities to serve:
- Invite New Participants to meetings.
- Conduct or assist in one of the training sessions at a meeting.
- Follow up after each meeting with your New Participants to answer questions, share the website and take care of items on the Change Your Life Form.
- Earn fees for enrolling new Starter Members and for Action Planning Members.
- Action Leaders are good candidates for Coordinator Assistants and Resource Developers.
When meetings are not being held an Action Leader makes a meeting happen by inviting a few friends to a pot luck, discussing specific strategies to support others and Contacting Us to explore the possibilities.

Simple Things To Change Your Life
- Read or watch something inspirational.
- Reach out to support someone. Earn the right to ask for their support.
- Listen – to your spouse, your children, a friend, a stranger, an employee, someone struggling.
- Smile, laugh, love, hug and share these with others.
- Invite someone to learn about Chimorel, to explore our website, to start their free Success Journey, to be your friend.
- Take someone to a useful section of our website, to a Change Your Life Meeting, to start their free Success Journey.
- Donate, volunteer, become a member, initiate a Special Project.
- Google Simple Things to Change Your Life. Think. Do.
- If meetings are not being held currently in your area, you can do something about that.
Future Meetings
Use Register Today to discover meetings that are currently scheduled. At the Sanctuary we anticipate having meetings almost every week and soon more than one/week. Recognize that you have the power to initiate a meeting either at the Sanctuary (limit of about 30 people) or at your venue (potentially more than 30 people). You can step up and make them happen for your church, nonprofit or any group that wants to make peoples’ lives better.
To organize a Change Your Life meeting your organization will want to get commitments from at least ten enthusiastic members. All will participate in inviting others and make some financial/long term time commitment. Perhaps three will take on planning for the initial food preparation. Three to five will plan and implement activities. One to two will implement inspirational music for the start and at certain parts of the meeting. There needs to be a clear target audience your group wants to reach and clear expectations for the kind of decisions your group wants this audience to make.
Change Your Life meetings came from our Introductory Meetings. Instead of just telling you about Chimorel, however, we decided we should play a more active role. Sometimes in the planning stage, we will just sit down together and get to know each other. Then when we are each ready we will target and plan to support changing lives and the world together.

Scroll down for all events & Feedback. Scroll up to learn about Change Your Life.
When you Stay in Touch, you receive emails as ongoing and new events are planned.
Register Today
create a registration form
Until our registration form is completed, text Warren at 614-885-0000 to tell us what events you will attend or follow directions for each event. Thanks.
Other Events
Clear Your Blockages
Class of 10-12 job seekers who have been struggling to find a job because of emotional and psychological blockages in their lives. Normally $35 for a one-time two-hour session. Only $20 as we introduce this new program. You can also choose to volunteer at the Sanctuary to waive $10. Scheduled on a Friday evening when a full class has signed up. Click Frank’s picture to register.
Current Sanctuary Events
Click the link for Sanctuary directions:
6360 Home Road, Delaware, OH 43085
parking for 30+ | 150+ across the street at Concord Park
save time and money, come with a friend
Sound Bath Meditation:
Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Meditation, Breathing, Stretching,
Sound Bath, Drum Circle, Touch Wall.
Love Donation
Full Moon Bonfire Potluck
5/21 6/11 7/16 at 5-9+pm
Zen walk, potluck &/or Love Donation
$10 Limited Camping
fellowship, inspirational bonfire
excitement is love amplified
To download the feedback form hover over the top of document, then click the three dots … and save to your Chimorel folder. See Contact Us to call with questions.