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When you Buy Stuff you support Chimorel.
You can create a well paying position by managing
one or more of our BuyStuff programs.
You can fund part or all of your Special Project.
You might even save a little money.
All of this can happen when you Buy Stuff.
Chimorel Bucks & Incentives
Chimorel Bucks are a little like Airline miles or Upromise college credit. By buying things in our Shopping Mall or through Chimorel4U, part of your purchase can earn Chimorel Bucks on the cash side. You can use Chimorel Bucks on the cash side to cover memberships and programs or to generate funds for a Special Project. As noted there is a cash side and a time / donation side to Chimorel Bucks. The cash side generates real cash directly.
You can earn Incentives, which is the time or donation side. Incentives are like bartering. Incentives may be part of a program or a reward for volunteering. The Incentive side does not generate cash directly, but could generate cash indirectly through an auction or other buy stuff alternatives. The terms Chimorel Bucks and Incentives can be used interchangeably, but you want to recognize the difference between the cash and incentive sides.
Once you indicate your interest, we will happily answer your questions. If you choose not to earn Chimorel Bucks, the commissions, donations, etc will be used for Chimorel staff, Resource Developers, the cost of this website, overhead and to develop our programs. Until you tell us about your interest, commissions, etc. are considered altruistic donations.

Buying Chimorel Bucks
When you conduct or attend a Chimorel auction, you buy a ticket for $50 to perhaps $5000 in advance. Your ticket is nonrefundable, but you receive 10% to 20% extra purchasing power. Your $50 ticket buys $55 at any auction you participate in. Your $5000 ticket gives you $6000 purchasing power. You in effect bought Chimorel Bucks. The $5 and $1000 amounts are Incentives and must be used to buy items and services that have been donated. They are not the same as cash.
Experiencing Chimorel Bucks
We are about to describe some interesting possibilities that describe how Chimorel Bucks might happen. As you demonstrate your concern and describe how Chimorel supports others, people will begin to offer you things or they may want to donate to Chimorel. It may be a couch, a car, a motorcycle, a canoe, travel miles, books, computers, lots of other e-waste, probono legal services, property, just about anything you could imagine or want. Supporting and inspiring people triggers inspiration and reciprocal support. And sometimes people just don’t want something that someone else can use.
As this happens, you get to make some decisions. Can I use what is offered? Do I want to provide a Chimorel donation deduction? Who can use what is offered. You can, of course, keep something someone gives you. Chimorel will always assist people to dispose of unwanted items through our Downsizing, Recycling, Surplus Inventory and Auction programs.
Let’s say you decide to keep what is offered. In an interesting way you just received a “Chimorel Buck” opportunity. You did something that triggered a donation and you got something you needed. You can tell us about what happened, if you want, but you don’t need to. We see this as a “Chimorel Buck” opportunity, because supporting others opens the door to a wealth of opportunities both inside and outside of Chimorel.
Let’s say you don’t need what is offered or you want to provide a donation deduction to the person who offered you a motorcycle or a car. The donated item goes to Chimorel. The donor receives documentation for the donation. The car or motorcycle becomes available for people to use, perhaps at the Sanctuary. Because you solicited the donation, you most likely will manage its use. When you don’t need to use it, someone else can share its use. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the possibilities: a trip using airline miles, solving a legal problem, boating on the Scioto, food to feed the hungry, a movie, hundreds of things people can share, thousands of one time use things and opportunities. If you are catching the vision, you are learning how to double the cash income you receive from Chimorel.
There is a cash side and an Incentive side to Chimorel Bucks. There is also a taxable and nontaxable side to Chimorel Bucks. When the exchange is dollar for dollar, perhaps at a negotiated lower reasonable value, it is taxable. When it is a friend supporting a friend, especially when there is no expectation of reciprocation, it is not taxable. When we work together to support each other the world becomes a little better.
You earn Chimorel Bucks after you initiate a membership or program. Many people enroll in our Scrip Presto Pay Starter Membership. Others step up to become an Action Planner immediately and initiate a Special Project, which also includes PrestoPay. You can use Scrip, Chimorel4U, Auctions or our Shopping Mall to earn Chimorel Bucks and fund your Special Project. Click the Single Eagle to tell us about you. You will learn about many ways you can use the money you are already spending to achieve your goals. Earning Chimorel Bucks and Incentives funds achieving your goals.
You earn Chimorel Bucks through many of our programs, as you volunteer or work with us. Compensated earnings are taxable at the time of receipt, but can be deferred until receipt as part of the program you enter. If your program states that you must accomplish certain things before you can be paid, you could potentially loose these earnings. If forfeited, obviously they are not taxable. As an altruistic volunteer your Chimorel Bucks can be used to support a cause you believe in, including Chimorel, and are not taxable. When a friend supports a friend without expectation of return, this is also not taxable.
When you become a Resource Developer, you earn Chimorel Bucks and/or actual cash for sending people to our website who Buy Stuff. For now you will need to have people track their invoices and let us know that you are their Resource Developer. When people Buy Stuff at Chimorel4U, through Scrip, on our Shopping Mall, at Auction and through our Affiliates, the for profit part of Chimorel makes money. A substantial part of these earnings are donated to Chimorel. These donations enable you to earn Chimorel Bucks. The percent or amount will vary depending on a variety of factors.
Now a little about Incentives. When you bought a $5000 ticket, you received a $1000 incentive. This incentive can be used to purchase a donated item, time from a professional or technician willing to donate time or part of the profit on an item. It cannot be used for the cash cost of an item and may or may not be taxable, depending on many factors.

As a volunteer at an auction you will typically volunteer at least 25 hours. Depending on the fruits of your efforts this time may generate $5000 or more which would create Incentive Chimorel Bucks equal to perhaps $500. If it is difficult to access the actual value generated, you might generate perhaps $250 Incentive Chimorel Bucks. Depending on many factors these “earnings” may or may not be taxable.
As a participant in our I Got a Job program who earned your program, the minimum cost of the program would be $2500. This cost could be covered by volunteering for approximately ten 25 hour auctions or by working as a Temp to Perm Employee that generated $2500 after taxes from the employment fee charged to the employer.
When the Incentive is assistance of a relatively minimal level of support, it is unlikely to have a meaningful taxable impact. When the Incentive is significant, the taxable impact is withheld as part of the process.
As you explore programs such as Cooperative Effort, Recycling, Nonprofit Fund Raising, Business Incubation and other areas of our website, you will discover many ways to earn and use Chimorel Bucks. You can use Chimorel Bucks to pay for our services, to support others and if you put in the effort to generate an income.
Earning Chimorel Bucks is not a quick way to make a lot of money. The percent earned from various activities might vary from less than 1% to over 50% depending on the activity. If you buy a book for $1 plus shipping, Chimorel might earn 5-10 cents. If the amount generated is small, less than $25+/mo, this amount will be allocated to cover Chimorel administrative and program expenses.
On the other hand some affiliate programs and sales on Chimorel4U can generate well over $1000 per sale. Depending on what you do to generate this revenue, you could allocate from 10% to over 70% of this revenue stream to your Special Project or earn a lesser percent as Independent Contractor income. When you become a member and/or a Resource Developer, part of your ongoing training will teach you how to focus your efforts to generate the revenue you need to achieve your Special Project or earn income.
Let’s return to Chimorel Bucks being like Airline miles. At the beginning the funds generated by Chimorel Bucks go to pay for the cost of your program or your membership fees. At first the amounts may be fairly small and we don’t spend a lot of effort accounting for each little thing you do. You shouldn’t spend much time sweating the small stuff either. Then, all of a sudden, you decide to get serious. You start generating a meaningful income stream. Then we do account for what you do and allocate your earnings according to your efforts and the agreements made.
At the beginning maybe you need bus tickets or diapers. Maybe you work a few hours and don’t generate any real income, but we provide the bus tickets or diapers anyhow for a short time. Or maybe you need a little extra coaching and we provide it even though you haven’t really earned it. Then one day we tell you, again, that you are expected to earn what you get and you come face to face with a decision to get serious.
Soon you begin to realize that every family you involve in our Scrip program spends enough to generate $300-600+/year. Or you realize that the average middle class family has $1000-2000 worth of stuff in closets, the attic or garage that can be sold on eBay or at auction. Or you realize that someone who completes Chimorel’s I Got a Job program will generate a minimum of $2500. Once you get serious and put in the effort, you could earn $50,000/yr plus substantial benefits as a Work Experience Coordinator or you could develop the funds for a down payment on a house or you could find a way to pay for your college education or start a new business venture. It is the getting serious part that makes the difference. When you want something with a burning desire, we support you to create what it takes to accomplish your goal.