Chimorel Services Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Ohio corporation. Chimorel Group LLC is a limited partnership owned by Chimorel Services Inc and Warren Goodenow. Chimorel Group LLC donates profits to Chimorel Services Inc. This structure has been established to keep profit activities separate from nonprofit activities and is done to mitigate issues created by IRS UBIT rules. UBIT is unrelated business income which can jeopardize a nonprofit organization’s tax exempt status.
From time to time other for profit entities have been and may be established which were/will be part of “the Chimorel group.” Currently, Chimorel Group LLC is the only for profit member of the Chimorel Group. As you begin to learn about Chimorel boards, especially if you are considering Becoming a Chimorel Director, it is important that you understand this relationship. If you have any questions, call Warren at 614-885-0000.
Chimorel Services Inc Boards
Click to see Current List of All Directors
Will you help Chimorel reach out to help thousands of people? You can become actively involved by telling people about Chimorel, by participating on a Distribution Committee and perhaps by making the kind of commitment needed to become a member of one of Chimorel’s Boards.
Chimorel’s Voting Board meets four times each year to establish Chimorel’s strategic direction, determine 50% or more of Chimorel’s budget and review Chimorel programs. Members of the voting board serve without compensation (a BBB criteria) As committees are established the Board will monitor the activity of Chimorel’s committees.
Prospective Directors, who have taken their first five steps, may attend Board meetings and participate in discussions. Should one or more voting Directors not be in attendance at a Board meeting, one or more Prospective Directors may be appointed to replace said voting Directors (temporarily or permanently) by the remaining voting Directors.
An Advisory Board and a Financial Board are being developed. Members of these Boards may be compensated, but may not serve simultaneously as a Voting Board member. The Financial Board will have significant responsibility for fund raising. The Advisory Board will have significant responsibility for compliance and program development.
Many of the day to day operational decisions will be handled by Distribution Committees. There are presently four Distribution Committee categories – Client Assistance, Education and Employment, Business Incubation and Nonprofit Development. Within each category as many committees as will be needed to handle applications on a timely basis will be developed. You are invited to join one or more committees. After a training process you will make a substantial contribution to Chimorel’s growth by helping others achieve their goals.
Board Documents
Code | Bylaws | Policies
Financial Statements
2021 | 2016-2020 | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010
Annual Reports
2021 | 2016-2020 | 2011-2015 | 2006-2010
Prospective Directors
Click to see Current Prospective Directors
A Prospective Director is a vital part of Chimorel’s Board structure. He or she starts to learn about Chimorel, begins to make certain commitments to help Chimorel grow and may take on one or more specific tasks – fund raising, program development, community outreach, finding new board members, etc.
From time to time we may need to expand the Voting board or replace a voting board member. Prospective Directors can immediately step into these positions. A Prospective Director may move to a volunteer or paid position on our Finance Board or Advisory Board. A Prospective Director may become the volunteer Chairperson/Participant on one of the Committees or perhaps become a paid staff member, depending on his or her interests and qualifications.

The intention behind development of Prospective Directors is to enable you to learn about Chimorel, intensify your involvement and be ready to take meaningful steps to help Chimorel grow as our needs blend with your interests.

Voting Directors
The Voting Board governs Chimorel Services Inc. In the future it will be assisted by Committees. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to make a serious commitment to Chimorel over a five year or longer time period. In addition to his/her leadership, all Directors are asked to give, help raise money, donate services, get others to donate services, and in other ways help to develop our ability to provide $50,000 worth of services to Chimorel clients over the next five years. In conformance with BBB standards, Voting Directors serve without compensation. Each Director serves a one year term which is renewable indefinitely.
Finance Board
The Finance Board is about finding the finances to enable Chimorel to grow. This includes fund raising, obtaining loans and equity financing for certain projects. People who are experts in raising funds for nonprofits may serve as members of both the Advisory Board and the Finance Board. The Finance Board may eventually consist of bankers, investment bankers, venture capitalists, accredited investors, stockbrokers, Realtors. fund raisers and others who know how to raise funds and locate assets for profit and nonprofit organizations.

We anticipate using Chimorel Group LLC to raise funds to acquire and renovate commercial property. Through this entity we intend to develop $500,000 to $10,000,00 in capital. There are many projects that members of the Finance Board will help us fund. These projects may include working as a member of Chimorel’s Business Incubation and Nonprofit Development committees.
Initial efforts on the Finance Board will typically start as a volunteer planning to fund certain projects. As serious money is raised, however, the people who legitimately bring in the funds can anticipate being paid for their efforts. It is important to note the sequence here. Volunteer to plan. Pay for actually raising funds. Compensation for nonprofit fund raising will typically be in the 2-7% range. Compensation for bringing investors and real estate projects to Chimorel will typically be in the 1-4% range.

Advisory Board
Click to see Current Members of the Advisory Board
We need the support of many professionals: attorneys, accountants, Realtors, fund raisers, educators, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, plumbers, electricians, HVAC techs, computer hardware and software experts and many others. Sometimes these professionals will serve as volunteers. Sometimes we will be able to pay them.
Whenever we identify a professional who can help, they will have an opportunity to join Chimorel’s Advisory Board. We will ask these professionals to help develop the resources to meet our needs. We anticipate that many of these professionals will accept our five year $50,000 challenge. This means that over a five year time frame they will help us raise funds, make donations, find other professionals, work probono or in some way provide $10,000 or more in resources each year for a period of at least five years.
The intent behind the Advisory Board is to ensure Chimorel meets all compliance standards and develops strong programs which meet real needs for the clients we serve. Once again, sometimes members on our Advisory Board will volunteer, sometimes they will be paid. Whenever a professional volunteers, Chimorel will find a variety of creative ways to say thank you.
Distribution Committees
Chimorel is developing distribution committees in four categories which will determine how certain funds are allocated. The committee categories are:
1. Client Assistance
2. Education & Employment
3. Business Incubation
4. Nonprofit Development

Funds allocated to a Distribution Committee fund the programs for which the committee is responsible. These funds will come from three sources: (1) allocations through a Volunteer’s Recommendation Privilege; (2) funding raising, membership and program allocations determined by the Board, and (3) assignments a committee makes to its applicants. To learn more about committees and see stories illustrating committees in action, click the see stories link above.