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Quick Code Summary
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- Unique aspects of the Code include 0-4-0, Recommendation Privilege, Voting & Nonvoting Members, Restricted Contributions, Core Principles, Separate Bylaws.
- 0-4-0 means “nothing comes for free.” Each client is expected to actively participate in and pay for achieving their goals to the extent possible. This concept is illustrated in many places throughout the website.
- Recommendation Privilege means that those who raise funds may determine which Distribution Committee will receive 50% of the funds they raise.
- Voting Members sign a proxy statement. All other members are nonvoting. No membership meetings will be held until there are 1000 voting members.
- Restricted Contributions: Contributions that are restricted or otherwise qualified may not be applied to any membership level below the $5000 level.
- Separate Bylaws: Each entity managed by Chimorel may have its own Executive Board and separate bylaws, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.
- Executive Director Veto Power: Warren or his successor has a power to veto any action by the Boad which, in his/her sole discretion, may contravene Chimorel’s Core Principles.
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Quick Bylaw Summary
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- Board Expectations: Each Board Member (1) Commits to running Chimorel according to its Core Principles. (2) Reviews and agrees to the Bylaws and Code. (3) Is expected to make a specific commitment of support, develop an action plan and implement the action plan.
- Un-codified Expectation: Many of the Board have been and many will be Christians. Although there is no requirement to be Christian, Board members should recognize Chimorel as a faith based organization and be comfortable working with those who are Christian. This un-codified expectation was passed in Board minutes many years ago.
- Prospective Directors: Prospective Directors demonstrate their willingness to serve before being authorized to serve on a Voting, Finance, Advisory Board or a Committee.
- Distribution Committees: Four Distribution Committees have been specified in the Bylaws: (1) Client Assistance, (2) Education & Employment, (3) Business Incubation and (4) Nonprofit Development. Other committees can be approved in the future. The committees are being developed. They serve as an extension of the Board and make decisions regarding the allocations of funds.
- Warren is Chimorel’s founder. He has been appointed the lifetime Executive Director, until his death or retirement. Once Chimorel is on a sound financial basis, Warren would like to retire and focus on developing strategies for growth and new projects. Warren retains a Veto power over any Board decision that would alter the Core Principles. Prior to his death the Board with Warren’s input will appoint a new person who will have the same Veto power to ensure that the Core Principles will remain in perpetuity.
- Other Actions: An action signed by all Voting Directors is an action of the Board. Telephone or internet meetings where all can interact are permitted. A Prospective Director can be temporarily or permanently appointed to fill the place of an absent Voting member to assure a quorum. Prospective Directors are encouraged to attend Board meetings and can be authorized to vote at meetings they attend.
- No Compensation: Voting Board members serve without compensation to abide by the Better Business Bureau’s guidelines.
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