"the Chimorel group"
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Reports | Statements

Chimorel Group LLC was established in 2013 and the loosely knit partnership of The Chimorel Group was discontinued. At that point “the Chimorel group” came to signify that Chimorel Services Inc, Chimorel Group LLC and Warren Goodenow continue to work together to enable Chimorel Services Inc to support others.
A clear distinction between the for profit activities of Chimorel Group LLC and the nonprofit activities of Chimorel Services Inc has been created to avoid UBIT for IRS purposes. Chimorel Group LLC also provides a variety of resources which reduce administrative and other costs for Chimorel Services Inc, This enables funds available to Chimorel Services Inc to go entirely to program activities.
Chimorel Services Inc is gradually acquiring a $25,000+ stake in Chimorel Group LLC and owns 40% of Group. The intention is to provide another long term source of support for Chimorel Services Inc which include future profits, as well as, an increased level of donations and resource sharing as a result of this investment.
Each year’s financial reports contain a paragraph showing in kind contributions from Group. These values indicate non-program costs which have been eliminated as a result of support by Chimorel Group LLC. In 2015 Chimorel Services Inc acquired a pickup truck used for its recycling and other program activities. All maintenance and all monthly payments for this truck are paid for by Warren and Chimorel Group LLC. Warren does not currently take a salary, but does use the truck for his transportation.
Donations of a variety of merchandise to Chimorel Services are sold by Chimorel Group LLC in its eBay store, Chimorel4U, and proceeds after expenses from these sales are donated back to Chimorel Services Inc. Chimorel Group LLC also sells merchandise on Chimorel4U, which it purchases. It donates a portion of these sales to Chimorel Services Inc. These donations fund the Chimorel Services Inc investment in Chimorel Group LLC. Thus Chimorel Group LLC is essentially providing the funds through which Chimorel Services Inc acquires its investment in Chimorel Services Inc. No outside contributions are used for this purpose. During many years Chimorel Group LLC also donates an investment share, as well.
In 2022 as we transferred our financial statements to the new website, we realized that recording our books on a cash basis missed all the public support we receive from volunteers and to some degree from recycling and other donations. This support for many years would roughly double the value of support we receive from the public and in a couple of years would triple the value. Going back to try to capture this support would be time consuming and most likely inaccurate at this point. We decided not to revise our reporting and instead disclose it to interested parties as a part of this statement. Going forward we will change our reporting process to reflect the actual level of public support and to provide a notice in each ongoing report to this effect, starting in 2021.

2021-2025 | 2016-2020 | 2011 – 2015 | 2006 – 2010
2021 Annual Report
Mission Statement
During 2021 the Board decided to create a new Inspirational Mission Statement. We call the old mission statement the Old School Mission Statement.
Inspirational Mission Statement: To empower motivated people of all ages who have visions to transform themselves and improve the world.
Old School Chimorel’s Mission Statement: to support motivated individuals and organizations as they solve problems, achieve goals, and to enhance each nation’s productivity, one life at a time.

Marketing Statement
We …
… Enhance Lives … Build Business … Fund Projects … Share Our Sources of Strength
We have developed more than 20 programs. Since 1972 Chimorel has developed and partially implemented the following programs:
- Client Assistance, Goal Setting
- Odd Job, I Got A Job, Create a Career
- Active Recycler, Computer Recycling, Wholesale & Retail Inventory Disposal
- College Bound, Home Builder
- Concerned Citizen, Cooperative Effort
- Property Acquisition, Work for Rent, Transitional Housing
During 2021 our Director acquired the Chimorel Sanctuary. In the future, Warren anticipates transferring this property to Chimorel Services Inc, when Services has the ability to support the property. In the meantime Chimorel uses the property with no rent for its various developing programs. We created events, continued to revise the website and continued to prepare to have a meaningful impact on more 50,000 people around the world. We have continued our recycling efforts and building our Chimorel4U eBay store. We occasionally support individuals and organizations through our Client Assistance and other programs.
In 2021 we realized that cash recording did not accurately reflect all the public support we receive. Starting this year we are taking steps to change this dynamic. We are not modifying our books for 2021. Instead we reflect in this statement a few of the many ways the public has supported us.
Our Board averaging approximately five members attending four meetings/year dedicated a minimum of two hours/meeting (one hour attending, one hour preparation) for an estimated value of $8000 (5x$50x8x4). Board members and others helped us move, collect donations of needed items, plan and conduct events and invite others to get involved.
Collect donations of items used at the Sanctuary ($9000+/-). Plan and conduct events (seven events with a total of 200 people, $500 collected for Global Won, everyone excited about what is happening at the Sanctuary) at $10/attendee, estimated market value $2000, actual value unmeasurable.
Items donated to Sanctuary (2+ mowers, chairs, tables, food and potluck, event items and much more estimated at $4500. Volunteer painting, repairs, renovation, building bonfire pit, graveling drive, clearing trees and more) estimated at $10,500. Total value approximately $34,000. We note that for the first time our books reflect essentially all of the in kind donations received from Chimorel Group LLC, which were in excess of $26,000 in 2021.
Achievement 2021
During 2021 Warren acquired a 10.5 acre farm, which has become the Chimorel Sanctuary. He is renovating the house and has developed a five phase plan to develop the Sanctuary. We are creating events which open the door to many people getting involved. These events are expected to become source of revenue.
Recycling: In 2021 we recycled approximately 38 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in land fills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: During 2021 we no longer received excess inventory from the from the previous wholesaler. Group bought inventory below wholesale from a distributor which was sold on Chimorel4U.
Chimorel4U: Individuals and organization continue to donate a wide variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. We estimate the value of these donations and immediately write down this donated value as a program expense, then make these items available to Chimorel Group LLC. Then Chimorel4U sells the items and donates proceeds, less expenses back to Services Inc. As noted Chimorel Group LLC also sells inventory which it purchases and donates part of the proceeds to Chimorel Services Inc. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for. Again all of these items are not disposed of in landfills.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups receive furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities. We have provided furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through Internet contacts Warren touches the lives of several hundred people around the world and in the USA every year. We support with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. This support usually is done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face. Since the acquisition of the Sanctuary more face to face assistance has been provided. People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Financial Report 2021
In 2021 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $35,271.04, total expenses of $33,644.80 and an excess of $1,626.24. Revenues consisted of $26,701.08 in Contributions, $7599.96 in program revenues and $970 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $25,644.80 from In-kind contributions and $1056.28 from others.
Expenses consisted of Program Expenses of $33,644.80 , $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $15,311.53 at the end of 2021.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of in kind contributions of 26,701.08 from Chimorel Group LLC in 2021.
2021 IRS 990

Annual Report Summary
2016 through 2020
Mission Statement
Chimorel’s Mission Statement is to help motivated individuals and organizations solve problems, achieve goals, and to enhance each nation’s productivity, one life at a time.
Marketing Statement
We …
… Enhance Lives … Build Business … Fund Projects … Share Our Sources of Strength
Since 1972 Chimorel has developed and partially implemented the following programs:
- Client Assistance, Goal Setting
- Odd Job, I Got A Job, Create a Career
- Active Recycler, Computer Recycling, Wholesale & Retail Inventory Disposal
- College Bound, Home Builder
- Concerned Citizen, Cooperative Effort
- Property Renovation, Work for Rent, Transitional Housing
During the years 2016 through 2020 we continued the recovery process; however, our focus moved progressively toward expanding our website and other Chimorel programs. The Property Acquisition program is active program. We will be reactivating the our Cooperative Effort program. Through website activities we intend to implement our Create a Career program. The I Got a Job and Client Assistance programs will be activated as the Property Acquisition program expands.
Chimorel Group LLC was established in 2013 and the loosely knit partnership of The Chimorel Group was discontinued. At this point the Chimorel Group means only that Chimorel Services Inc, Chimorel Group LLC and Warren Goodenow continue to work together to enable Chimorel Services Inc to help others. A clear distinction between the for profit activities of Chimorel Group LLC and the nonprofit activities of Chimorel Services Inc has been created to avoid UBIT for IRS purposes. Chimorel Group LLC also provides a variety of resources which reduce administrative and other costs for Chimorel Services Inc, This enables funds available to Chimorel Services Inc to go entirely to program activities.
Chimorel Services Inc is slowly acquiring a $25,000 stake in Chimorel Group LLC with the intention of providing long term support for Chimorel Services Inc. Future profits, as well as, an increased level of donations and resource sharing is anticipated to be available to Chimorel Services Inc as a result of this investment.
Each year’s financial reports contain a paragraph showing values which do not appear on Chimorel Services Inc’s books. These values indicate non-program costs which have been eliminated as a result of support by Chimorel Group LLC. In addition to these values, in 2015 Chimorel Services Inc acquired a pickup truck used for its recycling and other program activities. All maintenance and all monthly payments for this truck are paid for by Warren and Chimorel Group LLC. Warren does not take a salary, but does use the truck for his transportation.
Donations of a variety of merchandise to Chimorel Services are sold by Chimorel Group LLC in its eBay store, Chimorel4U, and all proceeds from these sales are donated back to Chimorel Services Inc. Chimorel Group LLC also sells merchandise, which it purchases, on Chimorel4U and donates a portion of these sales to Chimorel Services Inc. These donations fund the Chimorel Services Inc investment in Chimorel Group LLC. Thus Chimorel Group LLC is essentially providing the funds through which Chimorel Services Inc acquires its investment in Chimorel Services Inc. No outside contributions are used for this purpose.
Achievements in 2020
Updating Chimorel’s Website: We are using WordPress as the platform to transfer our website. Many new ideas are being added to the new format. Using PDFs is no longer a problem.
Recycling: In 2020 we recycled approximately 113 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in landfills.
Financial Report 2020
In 2020 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $13,114.37, total expenses of $12,572.69 and an increase of $541.68. Revenues consisted of $2445.22 in Contributions, $8,849.15 in program revenues and $1820 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $1000 cash and $1445.22 in kind.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $12,572.69, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $13,685.29 at the end of 2020.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group LLC in 2020.
Achievements in 2019
Updating Chimorel’s Website: Adobe is discounting Muse. We need to identify a new platform. We will upgrade the website as we transform it.
Recycling: In 2019 we recycled approximately 107 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in landfills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: During 2019 we continued to find homes for the excess inventory received in previous years using a variety of strategies, including donations to individuals and organizations, lot sales and sales to flea market vendors. As space becomes available and we develop additional methods of disposal, we anticipate expanding this concept to a wide variety of other manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
Chimorel4U: Individuals and organization continue to donate a wide variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. We estimate the value of these donations and immediately write down this donated value as a program expense and make these items available to Chimorel Group LLC. When ChimorelrU sells the items it donates all proceeds back to Chimorel Services Inc and bears the shipping, PayPal and eBay costs. Chimorel Group LLC also sells inventory which it purchases and donates part of the proceeds to Chimorel Services Inc. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for. Again all of these items are not disposed of in landfills.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups receive furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities, including donations & sales of excess inventory. Organizations include United Way, Furniture Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Clintonville CRC, LAOS Ministry, Legacies of War, ANAM, House on the Hilltop, Shalom Zone and others. We provide furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services , excess inventory for silent auctions and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through Internet contacts Warren touches the lives of several hundred people around the world in the USA every year. We help with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. This help usually is done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face . People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Revision of Success Journey: In 2019 we continued revision of the free Success Journey and several other eBooks.
Financial Report 2019
In 2019 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $11,929.27 total expenses of $10,024.96 and an increase of $1904.31. Revenues consisted of $2798.02 in Contributions, $8381.25 in program revenues and $750 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $1,505 in cash and $1292.02 in kind.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $10,024.96, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $13,143.61 at the end of 2020.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group LLC in 2019.
Achievements in 2018
Updating Chimorel’s Website: This continues to be a huge undertaking, and in fact will be an ongoing project. In 2018 we published the new website and continue to make enhancements on a regular basis.
Recycling: In 2018 we recycled approximately 94.8 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in landfills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: During 2018 we continued to find homes for the excess inventory received in previous years using a variety of strategies, including donations to individuals and organizations, lot sales and sales to flea market vendors. As space becomes available and we develop additional methods of disposal, we anticipate expanding this concept to a wide variety of other manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
Chimorel4U: Individuals and organization continue to donate a wide variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. We estimate the value of these donations and immediately write down this donated value as a program expense and make these items available to Chimorel Group LLC. When ChimorelrU sells the items it donates all proceeds back to Chimorel Services Inc and bears the shipping, PayPal and eBay costs. Chimorel Group LLC also sells inventory which it purchases and donates part of the proceeds to Chimorel Services Inc. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for. Again all of these items are not disposed of in landfills.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups receive furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities, including donations & sales of excess inventory. Organizations include United Way, Furniture Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Clintonville CRC, LAOS Ministry, Legacies of War, ANAM, House on the Hilltop, Shalom Zone and others. We provide furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services , excess inventory for silent auctions and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through Internet contacts Warren touches the lives of several hundred people around the world in the USA every year. We help with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. This help usually is done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face . People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Revision of Success Journey: In 2018 we began a revision of the free Success Journey and several other eBooks. This revision includes assignments for lessons 1-6, which must be completed to receive Lesson 7 with 100+ income opportunities.
Financial Report in 2018
In 2018 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $16,335.06 total expenses of $19,869.59 and a deficit of $3534.53. Revenues consisted of $9147.06 in Contributions, $6,438 in program revenues and $750 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $2,605 in cash and $6542.06 in kind.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $19,869.59, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $11,239.30 at the end of 2018.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group in 2018.
Achievement 2017
Updating Chimorel’s Website has been a huge undertaking, which has already taken several years. This project will be an ongoing effort. We anticipate being able to move the new website to published status in 2018.
Recycling: In 2017 we recycled approximately 31.5 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U. and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in landfills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: During 2017 we continued to find homes for excess inventory received in previous years using a variety of strategies, including donations to individuals and organizations, lot sales and sales to flea market vendors. As space becomes available and we develop additional methods of disposal, we anticipate expanding this concept to a wide variety of other manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
Chimorel4U: Individuals and organization continue to donate a wide variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. We estimate the value of these donations and immediately write down this donated value as a program expense and make these items available to Chimorel Group LLC. When Chimorel4U sells the items it donates all proceeds back to Chimorel Services Inc after shipping, PayPal and eBay costs. Chimorel Group LLC also sells inventory which it purchases and donates part of the proceeds to Chimorel Services Inc. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for. Again all of these items are not disposed of in landfills.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups receive furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities, including donations & sales of excess inventory. Organizations include ETSS, Neighborhood House, Lady Butterflies, United Way, Furniture Bank, Habitat for Humanity and others. We provide furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through Internet contacts Warren touches the lives of several hundred people around the world in the USA every year. We help with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. This help usually is done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face . People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Financial Report in 2017
In 2017 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $16,404.88, total expenses of $20,771.31 and a deficit of $4,366.43. Revenues consisted of $9,636.43 in Contributions, $6,268.45 in program revenues and $500 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $2,635 in cash and $7,001.43 in kind.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $20,771.31, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $14,773.83 at the end of 2017.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group in 2017.
Achievement 2016
During 2016 our primary focus was to continue revising our website. We provided support through the following activities:
Recycling: In 2016 we recycled approximately 20.4 tons of electronic waste and other materials. As before material was sold through Chimorel4U and to a variety of recycling vendors with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. All of this material was kept from being disposed of in land fills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: At the beginning of 2016 we continued to receive more excess inventory from the previous wholesaler, but began to run out of space. Obviously, this kind of inventory does not sell quickly. Simultaneously, much of the wholesaler’s truly excess inventory had been cleared and the prices started rising. Toward the middle of the year we stopped taking excess inventory. As space becomes available, we anticipate expanding this concept to a wide variety of other manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
Chimorel4U: Individuals and organization continue to donate a wide variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. We estimate the value of these donations and immediately write down this donated value as a program expense and make these items available to Chimorel Group LLC. When Chimorel4U sells the items it donates all proceeds back to Chimorel Services Inc and bears the shipping, PayPal and eBay costs. Chimorel Group LLC also sells inventory which it purchases and donates part of the proceeds to Chimorel Services Inc. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for. Again all of these items are not disposed of in landfills.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups receive furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities. Organizations include ETSS, Neighborhood House, Lady Butterflies, United Way, Furniture Bank, Habitat for Humanity and others. We provided furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through Internet contacts Warren touches the lives of several hundred people around the world in the USA every year. We help with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. This help usually is done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face . People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Financial Report in 2016
In 2016 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $9,363.86, total expenses of $15,158.79 and a deficit of $5,794.93. Revenues consisted of $6,103.83 in Contributions, $3,260.03 in program revenues and $0 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $1,201.83 from the Director, $0 from others and $4,902 in recycling revenue.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $15,158.79, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $15,158.79 at the end of 2016.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group in 2016.

Annual Report Summary
2011 through 2015
During the years 2011 through 2015 our focus continued the recovery process from the challenges created by the N 4th project. The transitional housing program was terminated in 2009, but the Director’s debt reduction continues.
Warren had written a successful grant program for ETSS, which was experiencing significant growth. He obtained donations for much of the initial furniture and equipment required to implement their growth. He helped the program place more than 500 students in productive jobs, removing them from welfare roles. He suggested many alternatives to reduce ETSS’s dependency on grants. Some of this work was done as an employee. Other work was done as an independent contractor through Chimorel strategies and resources.
For this period we provide the financial reports year by year and summarize the achievements for the five year period.
Achievements 2011 through 2015
During these years our primary focus was to revamp our programs, learn about internet marketing and reduce the debt burden Warren assumed from the N 4th project. We revised parts of our website and now are in the process of a complete revision of the www.chimorel.com website.
During this time period we continued to help individuals through our Client Assistance Program and a variety of profit and nonprofit organizations as part of our other programs. We summarize our achievements below.
Recycling: We recycled approximately 75 tons of electronic waste and other materials during this time period. Some of this material was sold on eBay through Chimorel Group LLC’s store, Chimorel4U. Other material was sold to a variety of recycling vendors by Chimorel Group LLC with funds flowing back to Chimorel Services Inc. This program kept all of this material from being disposed of in landfills.
Inventory Disposal by Wholesalers & Retailers: This program is an outgrowth from the Recycling program. In previous years we worked with several retailers and distributors to help them reduce their inventory and avoid landfill disposal. In 2013 as part of the Chimorel4U eBay store, we developed a relationship with a wholesaler. Chimorel Group LLC was able to buy DVDs and a great deal of other other excess inventory for significantly below the wholesaler’s cost, some items for 1, 5 and 10 cents which had a retail value in excess of $9 to $69. The difference in value between the wholesaler’s cost and the purchase by Chimorel Group LLC was considered a donation to Chimorel Services Inc. As space becomes available, we anticipate expanding this concept to a wide variety of other manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. We bought approximately $150,000 in inventory forslightly more than $5000.
Chimorel4U: In addition to recycling, individuals and organization donate a variety of marketable goods to Chimorel Services. The value of this merchandise is immediately considered a program expense, eliminating any inventory, thus when sold by Chimorel Group LLC the full sales value becomes a donation to Chimorel Services Inc. Chimorel Group LLC also buys merchandise for sale in its Chimorel4U eBay store. Profits from these sales are also donated to Chimorel Services Inc.
Many items were bought from a wholesaler at 1-10 cents each. The difference between the purchase price and the wholesaler’s cost was considered a donation and a program expense. All funds above Chimorel Group’s cost flowed to Chimorel Services Inc. In the future we anticipate helping many more wholesalers, retailers and others dispose of excess inventory in a similar manner. Doing so generates revenue, keeps items out of landfills and provides items usefull to individuals and nonprofits we can help. Items may include toner cartridges, electronic waste, clothing, building material and anything else we can find a home for.
Nonprofit Assistance: Through its contacts and resources a variety of nonprofit groups received furniture, equipment, supplies and other goods and services as a result of Chimorel Services Inc’s activities. The primary beneficiary was Ethiopian Tewahado Social Services (ETSS), but other organizations include the Neighborhood House, Lady Butterflies, United Way, Pharr Literacy Project, Furniture Bank, Habitat for Humanity and others we do not remember. We provided furniture, chairs, computers, large screen TVs, professional services and a variety of advice.
Individual Assistance: Through his Internet contacts Warren has touched the lives of several hundred people around the world in the USA, Austria, Botswana, Puerto Rico, Kenya, United Kingdom, Nigeria and elsewhere. We helped with business issues, educational concerns and a variety of personal problems. Much of this help was done through emails and phone calls, rather than face to face contact. People contact Warren from all over the world with a variety of concerns. He invites them to initiate our Free Success Journey. As appropriate he follows up, depending on their needs.
Financial Report 2015
In 2015 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $9,210.95, total expenses of $14,409.68 and a deficit of $5198.73. Revenues consisted of $7,013.95 in Contributions, $947 in program revenues and $1,250 in Memberships.Contributions consisted of $7,013.95.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $14,115.38, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $21,943.71 at the end of 2015.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group.
Financial Report 2014
In 2014 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $53,004.67, total expenses of $27,773.67 and an income of $25,231. Revenues consisted of $36,179.03 in Contributions, $16,357.13 in program revenues and $0 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $35,232.17 from the Director, including a truck.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $25,122.13, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $25 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $27,142.44 at the end of 2014.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group.
Financial Report 2013
In 2013 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $9,711.70, total expenses of $9,561.70 and an income of $150. Revenues consisted of $310.04 in Contributions, $9,251.66 in program revenues and $150 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $200 in cash. Recycling Revenue was $110.04.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $9,251.66, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $1,911.44 at the end of 2013.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group.
Financial Report of 2012
In 2012 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $9,425, total expenses of $9,415 and an income of $10. Revenues consisted of $160 in Contributions, $9,265 in program revenues and $0 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $160 from the Director, $0 from others and $0 in recycling revenue.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $9,415, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $1,761.44 at the end of 2012.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group.
Financial Report 2011
In 2011 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $1.933.65 total expenses of $625.75 and an income of $1,307.90. Revenues consisted of $855 in Contributions, $928.65 in program revenues and $150 in Memberships. The contributions consisted of $400 from the Director, $200 from others and $255 in recycling revenue.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $625.75, $0 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $0 in Administrative Expenses. Total assets were $1,751.44 at the end of 2011.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website and other expenses by the Chimorel Group.

Annual Report Summary
2006 through 2010
During the years 2006 through 2010 our focus involved expanding the Property Renovation program, continuing our Cooperative Effort program and implementing our I Got a Job program. We expanded the Active Recycler program. We supported many individuals through our Client Assistance program.
Achievements 2006 through 2010
During these years we established our Create a Career, Work For Rent, Transitional Housing, Property Acquisition, I Got a Job, Client Assistance, Cooperative Effort and Computer Recycling programs. We created our free Success Journey and sent 500 computers to Africa.
Recycling: Early in 2006 Warren saw an ad looking for a telemarketer at a computer recycling company, developed a consulting assignment, met with EPA, completed their EPA registration, obtained and trained a telemarketer, created a database for the telemarketer, The database tracked contacts, to do items and sales. Chimorel sold many computers to this company during 2006 and 2007. During these years he entered into agreements with two other computer recycling companies and performed similar activities at these companies. We stopped working with this company when it began selling computers to China. We sent 500 computers to Africa and recycled approximately 3000 computers for one major health care chain during 2007. During the remainder of these years we continued this program but at a much lower scale.
Property Acquisition: In 2007 we entered into a contract to manage the renovation and rent up for a 32 unit apartment building at the corner of N 4th & 8th in Columbus, OH. Warren became a Commercial General Contractor. The intent was to acquire the property and we spent a significant amount of time developing a transitional housing program in a very tough neighborhood. The partners who owned the property became locked in a long running court battle. A receiver was appointed. During our involvement we dealt with gang, criminal and drug issues in the neighborhood and participated in several stop the killing rallies. We developed a plan to acquire the property from the receiver, which fell through when the investors we secured decided to buy the property and borrow $500,000, which was never repaid. The property became a vacant lot and has now been turned into several condominiums. As a part of this project we created our I Got a Job, Client Assistance and Work for Rent programs. This program left Warren with $25,000 in debt. He needed to focus on income, taught college and implemented work training programs at a local refugee and immigrant program he arranged the initial funding for.
Cooperative Effort: In 2006 and 2007 our Cooperative Effort program served 307 individuals and their related organizations with speakers, intensive brainstorming and effective business development planning. Topics included: Face to Face Marketing, Health Options, Real Estate Acquisition, matching funds for The Hunger Task Force, Marion Correctional Exodus Project, Employees and Contracts, Eliminate Your Debt, Benefits from Radio Advertising, Scalable Ecommerce Tool, Winning Employees, Benefit Bonanza Buying Power, Fixing the Money Thing, Manifest Your Dream, Practical Insurance Tips, Income Disparity In Central Ohio, Kids at Risk, Excellence Begins with People Solutions, Your HR Alternative, Aligning With Your Purpose, Gatekeeper 101, Web Wise Seniors, Strengthening Our Community, Focus on Wealth, 11 Secrets to Profitable Networking, Solving Health Problems, Training Youth, Reduce Medical Costs 20+%, Legal Issues for Business, Why don’t we have more customers? Riches Vs Wealth, Goals & Business Insurance, Community Banking, Your Company’s Mission Statement, Use Mistakes to Grow Your People, Business Financing, Networking Success, Solving Health Problems, Legal Requirements of Hiring, Improve Your Business Profitability, Fibromyalgia – Devastation & Determination, Communicate Your Company’s Audio Image, Maintaining a Focus on Parallel Goals. After the N 4th Project Warren had to focus on income and this program was phased out. As part of this program we created a Health Options Project which provided service for two individuals. One was successfully moved through a series of steps toward a better life. The other threw up to many negative attitudes without dealing with problems and we stopped working with her.
Financial Report of 2010
In 2010 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $280, total expenses of $1,505.01 for a deficit of $1,225.01. Revenues consisted of $170 in Contributions, $18,538 in Memberships and $.23 in Other Revenue.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $19,657 and $60 in Administrative Expenses. Total Assets were $1,668.55.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website expenses (approximately $100) and other costs (apx $450) by the Chimorel Group. As part of the Property Renovation the Chimorel Group completed approximately $4,000 in repairs to the N 4th property. In addition, the Director assumed an additional approximately $21,000 in credit card expenses related to this property.
Financial Report of 2009
In 2009 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $18,708.23, total expenses of $19,717 and a deficit of $1,008.77. Revenues consisted of $170 in Contributions, $18,538 in Memberships and $.23 in Other Revenue.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $19,657 and $60 in Administrative Expenses. Total Assets were $2,677.32.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website expenses (approximately $100) and other costs (apx $450) by the Chimorel Group. As part of the Property Renovation the Chimorel Group completed approximately $4,000 in repairs to the N 4th property. In addition, the Director assumed an additional approximately $21,000 in credit card expenses related to this property.
Financial Report of 2008
In 2008 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $9,263.37, total expenses of $10,505.47 and a deficit of $1,242.10. Revenues consisted of $3,010.82 in Contributions, $6,160 in Memberships and $92.55 in Investment. The contributions consisted of $450 from the Director, $500 from others and $2060.82 in computer donations.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $9,770.47, $450 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors and $285 in Administrative Expenses.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website expenses (approximately $100) and other costs (apx $400) by the Chimorel Group.
As part of the Property Renovation The Chimorel Group completed approximately $12,000 in repairs to the N 4th property. It was anticipated that this and/or other property will be acquired by Chimorel Services in 2009.
Financial Report of 2007
In 2007 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $5,412.12, total expenses of $5,701.03 and a deficit of $288.91.
Revenues consisted of $1575 in Contributions, $675 from Program, $2850 in Memberships and $312.12 in Investment. The contributions consisted of $300 from the Director, $375 from others and $900 in computer donations.
Expenses consisted of Program Services Expenses of $1,931.03, $3735 in Professional fees and payments to independent contractors for renovation and $35 in Other Expenses. Total Assets were $3,919.42.
Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website expenses (approximately $100) and other costs (apx $350) by the Chimorel Group. As part of the Property Renovation the Chimorel Group completed approximately $26,000 in repairs to the N 4th property. At that time it was anticipated that this property would be acquired by Chimorel Services once it was viable.
Financial Report of 2006
In 2006 Chimorel Services had total revenues of $1,667.77 total expenses of $1,238.95 and a surplus of $428.82. Revenues consisted of $735 in Contributions, $450 in Program Service Revenue, $480 in Memberships, 2.07 in Interest and .70 in Other Revenue. The contributions consisted of $260 from the Director, $25 from others and $450 in computer donations.
Expenses consisted of Program Service Expenses of $1,203.80 and $35.15 in Management and General Expenses. Total Assets were $4,208.33.
In addition, Chimorel Services benefited from the payment of website expenses (approximately $100) and other costs (approximately $300) by The Chimorel Group. The approximate $3000 cost of shipping computers to Africa was paid by a group of Palestinian businessmen after Chimorel processed the computers.