Warren's Eclectic Viability Blog
For Readers who don’t have a lot of time … For Lovers who believe we are all connected at a profoundly deep level … For Activists who know we must mitigate the existential threat of climate change and other intimidating hazards … For Change Makers seeking to attract abundance to motivated doers … and anyone who wants to Make a Difference.
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Do you like to read and gain new insights? Perhaps you agree, Leaders are Readers. Time limited? Perhaps this blog is for you.
I read a lot, sometimes five books a week. But I have discovered that all this reading does not always stick. So I periodically slow down, buy books I’m reading, highlight them, take notes. It is my intention to turn those notes into blog posts as time permits. The best way to learn is to teach. I’ll be sharing, with attribution, my eclectic interests and perhaps some of these insights will be useful to you.
If you are curious, or downright passionate about Marketing, especially Internet Marketing; developing an unstoppable Mindset; Fundraising for Nonprofits or Special Projects; Involving Your Constituents; saving 15% or more Building Your Dream Home; Starting, Strengthening and Building Business; Capitalism, Socialism, Economic Theory and Practical Reality; Newtonian vs Quantum Physics, their relationship to God and our Mutual Connectedness; Political and Corporate Responsibility; the Environment, Sustainability, as well as, the viability of individuals, organizations and our world – then signup for our RSS feed or put the link for The Blog above in your favorites.
There is a pretty good chance we will explore many other topics, as well. In fact, I am always interested in your suggestions and will briefly review every actual book you send that falls within Warren’s Eclectic Viability, as time allows. Books you send will be made available to those who subscribe to our lending library and you can always buy books cheaply at XXX.
Since 1972 I have been the Executive Director for Chimorel Services Inc, a 501 C 3 nonprofit. In 2012 Chimorel Group LLC was established to provide support for Chimorel Services Inc and to provide preferred returns to its investors. This blog is hosted on Chimorel’s website. You can learn a lot about Chimorel opportunities and solutions. Feel free to click links, as time permits. We like to say first Click and Feel, then when time permits come back to Read and Think. Our book reviews and posts will give you fewer words to read and many thoughts to think.

Love is a decision !!! Go ahead, argue with me. Sure there is an entire romantic, erotic, passionate side to Love, that can quickly die or lead to pain. Real Love flows from the essence of life, runs deep and wide and can be found twinkling in the vastness of the universe when you open your mind and heart.
When you decide to love someone, allow the universe to invade that Love and become the best lover you can be at a level below the quark.
We are all connected at a profoundly deep level. Sometimes, I take you on a brief journey to Enlightenment – down to where energy and matter jump back and forth or out into what seems to be an infinite vastness of multiple universes. Will you travel with me for a little while?
Change Makers
No you can’t. If you really feel that way, stop reading. Change makers make things happen. If you want to or already do make things happen, all aboard the fast track train.
Together, we can accomplish anything we put our collective minds to. I may not live long enough to achieve world peace, bring sensibility to politics, end world hunger and find a loving home for every child, but we can set in motion strategies that can move in this direction. Intractable problems are only uncovered opportunities. Welcome to the opportunity !!!

Ouch, that hurt! Did you tell me that nuclear energy was bad for the environment? Or maybe that climate change is bad for the economy? Or that vaping is worse than cigarettes? Or that life begins at conception so abortion must be illegal?
I love people who are passionate about their cause. Just remember that there are at least two sides to every story … and facts truly do matter. Let’s have real conversations about things that matter.
But, let’s be respectful and willing to keep an open mind. Politics, religion, climate change, right to choice/life, just about anything you can imagine are fair game. What won’t be tolerated is divisive, angry, demeaning rhetoric designed to hurt others. We are truly all connected.
What I say that hurts you, hurts me. What you do that supports me, makes your life better, as well. Join the conversation at Facebook/Chimorel, once we make this live.

Making a Difference
Yes you can. Making a difference starts with your belief in yourself. All by yourself you can make a difference.
Then when you learn about our two Sources of Strength and you tap into the possibilities, watch out world, we have unleashed the infinite force of the Universe.
By becoming an involved participant in Warren’s Eclectic Viability Blog, you empower that commanding force. Together let’s pay it forward.
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