Making Your Commitments
Making a decision to support Chimorel as a Board member or concerned citizen is a serious commitment, anticipating a value of perhaps $10,000/year. There are a variety of ways to fulfill the commitments you make. We will work with you to ensure your commitments are achievable and stretch your belief in your abilities. As you make your commitments, you may want to explore Create Your Action Plan which makes your commitments real.
Reflect on Warren’s Commitment and the Default Commitment. You can also focus on Time, People, Programs / Memberships / Engagements, Cash & Other Assets and Build Chimorel alternatives.
We look forward to the time when you can commit to really building Chimorel, but as you start choose only those things where your time and resources enable you to actually make things happen.
You’ll find that generating $10,000/yr for Chimorel is less daunting than it might seem, once you put your mind to it and get others involved. Recruiting 10 new Prospective Directors would do it. Introducing us to one active investor would more than do it.
Scroll or click to learn
Create Your Action Plan
Warren's Commitment
Time Commitment:
Personally Give/Solicit Cash:
Personally give: securities/bequest:
Personally give/solicit: tangible assets:
Donate Services (hrs x amt):
Program/Website Development:
Sell Programs:
Create Engagements:
Invite Board members:
Solicit: Cash:
Solicit: securities/bequest:
Solicit: tangible assets:
Solicit: services:
10+ years
$500 annually, $5000 total for 10 years
Included in Life Insurance Policy 50% of Proceeds
Individually determined each year.
100x$35/yr | $3500/yr | $35,000 10yr total
200x$35/yr | $7000/yr | $70,000 10yr total
Determined each year
Determined each year
5 in 2018, 5+ in 2021 | TBD in future
Determined each year
Determined each year
Determined each year
Determined each year
$18,900/yr | $139,000 10yr Total
Starting in 2005 Warren made a 10 year commitment. He has renewed his original commitment twice for 10 years and will continue to renew his commitment every ten years.
In 2005 Warren gave more than $500 to Chimorel, as well as some computer software and his van. In 2014 Chimorel bought a truck. Warren & Chimorel Group LLC assumed the debt and maintenance for this truck. Monthly payments were $408. The truck is now paid for, but gas, maintenance and insurance are ongoing.
Warren’s has given approximately $50,000 from a life insurance policy to Chimorel. Each year since 2005 Warren has exceeded his cash commitment as partially noted above.
Warren works on Chimorel 1 to 10+ hours every day, seven days a week, even on vacations. This time is generally unpaid/volunteer. Warren periodically sells memberships, programs and engagements. Because he is paid for doing this he does not count these activities. He solicits significant donations of computers, eBay inventory and other assets each year. He and Chimorel Group LLC currently pay the cost for Chimorel’s truck, the website and many other costs.
Default Commitment
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Personally Give/Solicit Cash:
Personally give: securities/bequest:
Personally give/solicit: tangible assets:
Donate Services (hrs x amt):
Program Development:
Solicit Services:
Sell Memberships & Programs:
Create Engagements:
Invite Board members:
Solicit: Cash:
Solicit: securities/bequest:
Solicit: tangible assets:
5 years
25x$50/yr | $1250/yr | TBD $6250 estimate
8x$250/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
$1000 annually, $5000 5yr total
To be determined.
To be determined.
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 total
To be determined.
$2000/yr, $10,000 in 5 years
1 this year, $1000/yr | $5000 ??
$500/yr | $2500 5yr total
To be determined.
To be determined.
$10,750/yr | $50,750 5yr Total
All Board members are expected to make an approximate five year commitment to develop Chimorel. You may choose a longer commitment if you want. Obviously, if your life circumstances change then our expectation becomes that you replace yourself.
We believe this default commitment is self-explanatory. Each year Board Members will most likely review & revise their commitments to meet life realities at that time. Feel free to discuss your actual commitment with Warren.
Focus on Time
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Program Development:
Donate Services (hrs x amt):
Solicit: services (hrs x amt):
Invite Board Members:
Personally Give/Solicit Cash:
5 years
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | TBD in future
8x$250/yr | $2000/yr | $5000 5yr total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
50x$50/yr | $2500/yr | $12,500 5yr total
80x$50/yr | $4000/yr | $20,000 5yr total
1 x $1000, $1000/yr | $5000 5yr total
$250 annually, $1250 5yr total
$14,650, 5yr=TBD
The following five year commitment suggests 40 hours of Learning, 8 hours of Board Service, 40 hours of Program Development, donating 50 hours of service, soliciting 80 hours of services, and giving $250 in cash.
Focus on People
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Program Development:
Donate Services (hrs x amt):
Solicit: services (hrs x amt):
Invite Board Members:
Find Resource Developers:
Personally Give/Solicit Cash:
5 years
20x$50/yr | $1000/yr | TBD in future
8x$250/yr | $1000/yr | $5000 total
40x$50/yr | $1000/yr | $5000 5yr total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
4 x $1000, $4000/yr | $20,000 5yr total
8 x $200, $1600/yr | $8000 5yr Total
$250 annually, $1250 5yr total
$12,250, 5yr TBD0
The following five year commitment suggests 20 hours of Learning, 8 hours of Board Service, 40 hours developing programs, donating 40 hours of service, soliciting 40 hours of services, inviting four board members, finding 8 resource developers, and giving $250 in cash.
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Sell Programs & Memberships:
Create Engagements:
Invite Board Members:
Solicit Cash:
Give Other Assets:
Solicit Other Assets:
Personally Give/solicit Cash:
5 years
25x$50/yr | $1250/yr | TBD in future
8x$250/yr | $1000/yr | $5000 total
$3000/yr | $15,000 5yr total
$3000/yr | $15,000 5yr total
1 x $1000, $1000/yr | $5000 5yr total
$4000/yr | $20,000 5yr total
$1000/yr | $5,000 5yr total
$2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
$2000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
$13,250, 5yr TBD
The following five year commitment suggests 25 hours of Learning, 24 hours of Board Service, selling $3000 in programs and memberships, creating $3000 in engagements, giving $2000 in cash, soliciting $4000 in cash, giving other assets of $1000 and soliciting other assets of $2000.
Programs, Memberships, Engagements
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Sell Programs & Memberships:
Create Engagements:
Invite Board Members:
Personally Give/Solicit Cash:
5 years
20x$50/yr | $1000/yr | TBD in future
4x$250/yr | $1000/yr | $5000 5yr total
$6000/yr | $30,000 5yr total
$4000/yr | $20,000 5yr total
1 x $1000, $1000/yr | $5000 5yr total
$500 annually, $3000 5yr total
$12,900, 5yr TBD
The following five year commitment suggests 20 hours of Learning, 12 hours of Board Service, selling $6000 in programs and memberships, creating $4000 in engagements, and giving $500 in cash.
Time Commitment:
Learn about Chimorel:
Board Service:
Program Development:
Donate Services (hrs x amt):
Solicit: services (hrs x amt):
Invite Board Members:
Find Resource Developers:
Sell Programs & Memberships:
Create Engagements:
Solicit Cash:
Give Other Assets:
Solicit Other Assets:
Personally Give/solicit Cash:
5 years
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | TBD in future
4x$250/yr | $1000/yr | $10,000 5yr total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $20,000 10yr total
25x$50/yr | $1250yr | $12,500 10yr total
40x$50/yr | $2000/yr | $20,000 10yr total
4x$100 | $4000/yr | $40,000 10yr total
10x$200 | $2000/yr | $20,000 10yr total
$3000/yr | $30,000 10yr total
$3000/yr | $30,000 10yr total
$4000/yr | $40,000 10yr total
$1000/yr | $10,000 10yr total
$2000/yr | $20,000 10yr total
$2000/yr | $20,000 10yr total
$29,250, 10yr TBD
The following ten year commitment suggests 40 hours of Learning, 12 hours of Board Service, 40 hours of program development, 25 donated service hours, soliciting 40 hours of services, inviting 4 board members, finding 10 resource developers, selling $3000 in programs and memberships, creating $3000 in engagements, giving $2000 in cash and $1000 in other assets, soliciting $4000 in cash and $2000 in other assets.

Learn (1)
Cash & Other Assets (2,3,4)
Board Service (5 & 6)
Donate/Solicit Services (7 & 8)
Develop Programs (9,10,11)
Sell Programs (12)
Member/Engage (13,14,15)
Help Chimorel Grow (16,17,18)
For Board Members & Concerned Citizens
Who Want to Support Chimorel’s Growth
This section gives you 18 sample Action Plans for 18 separate goals. There are eight areas which cover these 18 Action Planning Goals. See the list below on the left. Each area has an Introduction followed by sample Action Plans. Each Action Plan is designed to deal with one goal. You should modify our goal suggestion and action steps so they work with the time you have available, your personal style and what you want to accomplish.
You will note the first Action Plan contains a section suggesting the method to accomplish each Action Step, using these notations:
Use Website | Plan / Track Time
Write Questions | Provide feedback.
We believe you can determine how to implement your Action Plan without these suggestions and do not continue them in the other plans, unless there is a left hand link attached. If you have questions, Contact Us.
Action Plan 1: Learn About Chimorel
Goal 1: To spend 25 hours learning about Chimorel in the next three months.
Do Menu | Return to Action Plan
Below we provide a sample Action Plan to learn about Chimorel. It might take you about 25+/- hours. Your time is valuable. The sooner you begin to do things the better. Note the Do Menu above.
[] Dedicate 2-5 hours this week and next week to learn about Chimorel. Plan Time
[] Dedicate 3-5 hours every other week during the next three months to learn about Chimorel. Plan Time
[] Quickly explore the Chimorel tab on the website. Use Website. This link takes you to the site map for the Chimorel area
[] Quickly explore the Board Member area of the website. Use Website. This link goes to the overall Board area where your bio will be posted.
[] Re-read and reflect on Chimorel’s Core Principles. Use Website. This link returns to our Core Principles. You may want to reflect on these principles.
[] Read about Memberships and Programs. Use Website. These links explore our memberships and programs. You should spend some time understanding them.
[] Write down questions to ask Warren. Write Questions
[] Determine programs that have greatest significance for you and give Warren feedback. Provide Feedback
[] Skim Code of Regulations, Board Bylaws, BBB, City of Columbus, State, Federal. Use Website | Write Questions | Provide Feedback
[] Read Stories, Concepts, Committees In Action. Use Website
[] Give Warren feedback about Stories, Concepts, Committees In Action. Write Questions | Provide Feedback
[] Read The New Recycling Story, Lifetime Memberships and I Got a Job. Use Website | Write Questions | Provide Feedback
[] Explore the Resource Developer Area. Use Website | Write Questions | Provide Feedback [] Explore the
other Tabs. Set Goal | Learn | Buy Stuff Use Website
[] Keep track of the time you spend. Track Time
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal. Provide feedback.
To provide feedback Contact Us
Action Plan 2-4: Cash and Other Assets
In the goals below please note there is an action verb … give / solicit / implement
a dollar amount … $500 / $2000 / $5 million
and a time frame … $50/mo/ six months/ this year
Goal 2: To give $600 in $50/mo installments.
Goal 3: To solicit $2000 in cash and $1000 in other assets in the next six months.
Goal 4: To help implement Chimorel’s $5 million Capital Campaign this year.
Cash is good. It definitely helps an organization grow. If you are in a position to give a significant cash contribution and you believe in what Chimorel is doing, please consider doing so as part of the goals you set.
As a Board member you should anticipate a minimum donation of $500 each year, the equivalent of a Business Membership. You can make payments of $50/mo. Note the Make This Recurring (monthly) check box.
If this is a bit of a stretch for you, talk to us. We can show you how to earn/solicit your donation. When you are ready you may want to consider a bequest of cash, securities or other assets.
Gifts of tangible assets can take many forms. Chimorel is developing recycling centers and housing projects, providing transportation, recycling computers and other assets, and doing many things that will require a significant variety of other tangible assets. We will also be helping many nonprofit organizations in need of tangible assets.
You can give cash and other assets personally or you can ask other people to give cash and other assets. It is not required to give cash to be a Board member. It is important that you realize Chimorel has cash requirements that must be met and that these requirements will increase in the future.
Your donations to Chimorel give you more than just a tax receipt. As a Voting Member your donations give you a Recommendation Privilege, the opportunity to support others, and can earn you Incentives. You will learn much more about these and other benefits as you continue to learn about Chimorel. For now it is important that you know Chimorel expects to earn your generosity by doing things to hsupport you as you do things to support others.
Action Plan 2: Give Cash and Other Assets
[] Decide the amount of cash you will give.
[] Decide whether your cash contribution will be a lump sum or made in periodic installments.
[] Complete your cash commitment as decided. You can use the links above.
[] Determine current Chimorel needs for other assets and what you will give.
[] Complete your other asset commitment as decided.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal
Action Plan 3: Solicit Cash and Other Assets
[] Decide the amount of cash or other assets you will solicit.
[] Break your solicitation target into discrete units: 5 people at $100, 50 people at $10, two cars, 20 computers, etc.
[] Identify the people and companies you will ask for contributions.
[] Develop the system you will use to ask for contributions.
[] Ask for the contributions. Determine if you want Chimorel to follow up with Thank Yous.
[] Follow up to be sure the contributions are received and Thank Yous are done.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal
Action Plan 4: Implement / Participate in Implementing $5 million Capital Campaign
[] Learn about Chimorel’s developing $5 million Capital Campaign. This plan is not currently being implemented. If you would like to support implementing this plan, the following are suggestions.
[] Determine the down payment, renovation, equipment, bank loans and related financial issues involved.
[] Give/solicit/find investors for approximately 10% of the required financing or set a goal for the sinifiant amount you will give/solicit.
[] Determine how to obtain the funds to finance the balance required.
[] Consider donations of supplies, equipment, labor and other required resources.
[] Research grant, foundation, corporate, city, county and state funding possibilities for capital financing and ongoing operations.
[] Evaluate and plan ways to generate funds from recycling, training fees, etc.
[] Write/work with Chimorel staff to write a business plan for the project, which breaks the fund raising into discrete achievable targets.
[] Implement the plan. Decide if you want to increase your goal.
Action Plan 5&6: Board Service
Preparation for and attendance at each Board
meeting is a significant commitment.
Goal 5: To attend 4 Board meetings each year and
prepare for each meeting in advance for a value of approximately $1000.
Goal 6: To become an active member of the Financial Board
and raise $500,000 for Chimorel One LLC in the next year.
When you serve on Chimorel’s Board you make a commitment to prepare for and attend Board meetings. There will be 4 Board meetings each year, plus periodic ancillary email meetings when issues need to be decided. Board meetings are typically scheduled significantly in advance, giving you time to clear your schedule. We value each board meeting at $250/meeting, thus $1000/yr. You should anticipate approximately one hour prep time and one hour attendance for each Board meeting.
We make a significant effort to prepare materials ahead of time for each Board meeting and ask you to express any concerns regarding decision items prior to the meeting. We use a procedure to expedite Board decisions you will learn about soon.
There may be an occasion when you really can not clear your schedule for a Board meeting. To assure a quorum send your affirmative decision or concern regarding each decision item to Warren in advance of the meeting.
You make a serious commitment to attend all Board meetings. If you cannot honor this commitment, you should consider service on our Advisory or Finance Boards, or perhaps on one of our four distribution committees. Failure to attend a Board meeting can result in your removal as a Voting Board member. By vote of the remaining Voting Board members a Prospective Board member may be given your spot on the Voting Board and you may be temporarily or permanently moved to Prospective or Former board status.
Action Plan 5: Board Service
[] Record the date of each Board meeting at the time it is scheduled.
[] Keep schedule clear for each Board meeting.
[] Read, reflect and express concerns on the material provided prior to attending each Board meeting.
[] Attend and participate in making decisions at each Board meeting.
[] Credit yourself with $250 Chimorel Bucks for each Board Meeting attended.
Action Plan 6: Financial Board – $500,000 to $5,000,000+
[] Recognize that a $500,000+ goal is substantial, requiring someone with a solid background and/or clients in the financial services industry or significant fund raising experience.
[] Recognize that we anticipate reconstituting Amerivestor Associates Inc which will employ brokers and pay 90-100% of commisions generated.
[] Recognize that we pay 3-7% for fundraising substantial sums.
[] Recognize that through Chimorel Bucks and our compensation program you could effectively double the value earned.
Goals & Action Plan 7&8: Donate or Solicit Services
Goal 7: To provide 20 hours in pro-bono services to Chimorel clients during the next year.
Goal 8: To become an active member of the Advisory Board and
solicit $10,000 in services for Chimorel clients during the next year.
One of the most valuable things you can donate is your time and skills. As a member of Chimorel’s Board or as a Prospective Board member, you are already donating some time to Chimorel as you learn about us, attend meetings and perform other responsibilities. As you know we value this time at $50+/hr. The value of the actual time you spend could be significant, depending on what projects, etc. you undertake. When we apply for grants, etc. tracking this time will have a value to the grant makers, foundations and corporations we work with.
You may have a variety of skills that can be valuable to Chimorel clients. Perhaps you are a career counselor, attorney, accountant, financial planner, computer expert, health professional, or some other professional. As a Board member or as a concerned citizen, we welcome the donation of your services to support our client’s needs. Then as our clients solve some of their problems and achieve some of their goals, they may be in a position to pay for future services they need from you.
You undoubtedly know many professionals with valuable skills. Perhaps a few of them would be willing to donate their services to meet the needs of Chimorel clients. Donating services is an excellent way to establish an affiliate relationship with Chimorel. As an affiliate Chimorel will enable many businesses to strengthen their growth through its Cooperative Effort and other programs.
Action Plan 7: Donate Services
[] Determine current and projected Chimorel needs for services.
[] Uncover a need a client/potential client has for services you can provide.
[] Decide to donate services.
[] Follow up as appropriate to complete your service donation.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal.
Action Plan 8: Solicit Services
[] Determine current and projected Chimorel needs for services.
[] Uncover a need a client/potential client has for services.
[] Identify professionals who could provide the services needed.
[] Create a system for soliciting donations of services.
[] Solicit donation of services.
[] Follow up as appropriate to complete the donation of the solicited services.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal.
Goals & Action Plan 9-11: Develop Programs
In the suggested action steps below, please note that each action step
is a command statement. You are telling yourself to do something.
Goal 9: To help develop & implement the I Got a Job and
Active Recycler Programs in the next year, once specific needs are identified.
Goal 10: To help Chimorel establish the Cooperative Effort program in my city,
spending approximately 120 hours, in the next three months.
Goal 11: To bring 25 new Active members to the Cooperative Effort Program this year,
ten of whom implement and pay for higher level programs.
Some of Chimorel’s programs are already well developed and functioning or ready to be implemented. Others need a lot of work before they are ready. Click here to view current programs and their state of readiness.
As a Board member or concerned citizen, you can enable us to develop programs that are not ready and support us as we implement programs that are ready. We credit the volunteer time spent developing programs at $50/hr toward your commitment. We credit each program you sell with the full value of the program sold toward your commitment.
Preliminary Action Plan for 9-11
[] Read about Current Programs. Use Website
[] Determine programs that have greatest significance for you and give Warren feedback.
[] Recognize the priority for implementation during the review.
[] Invite 10-20 people to each Introductory meeting.
[] Get 5-10 to actually attend, help conduct Introductory meetings.
[] Move one person to a higher level program each month.
[] Follow up to be sure they meet their obligations.
Action Plan 9: I Got a Job & Active Recycler
[] Identify the specific needs before the I Got a Job Program can be implemented.
[] Identify the specific needs before the Active Recycler Program can be implemented.
[] Identify the synergies of implementing both programs together.
[] Work with Warren & others to ready the programs for implementation.
[] Help implement each program as ready.
[] Once a program is implemented, determine if you want to work on another program or focus your attention on ongoing implementation.
Action Plan 10: Cooperative Effort
[] Identify the specific needs before the Cooperative Effort program can be implemented.
[] Work with Warren and others to ready the program for implementation.
[] Identify and help hire / be the Marketing Coordinator for the Cooperative effort in your City.
[] See Action Plan 11 for other items.
[] Help implement the program as elements are developed.
[] Once the program is implemented, determine if you want to work on another program or focus your attention on ongoing implementation.
Action Plan 11: Cooperative Effort Members
[] Identify 50 to 100 potential participants for the Cooperative Effort program in your area. [] Be the lead coordinator for the Cooperative Effort program in your city.
[] Identify three additional coordinators for your city.
[] Identify and secure the location where meetings will be held – church / meeting hall with food preparation for 100+ people.
[] Establish the speaker schedule for the next six months to a year. Plan backup for each speaker.
[] Establish new member enrollment procedure and specific ways to help each new member with his/her goals.
[] Implement program. Ascertain ongoing needs. Continue implementation.
[] Once the program is implemented, determine if you want to work on another program or focus your attention on ongoing implementation.
Action Plan 12-15 Sell Programs, Memberships, Etc.
Setting up computer engagements at large companies is a great way to support Chimorel’s growth.
Selling memberships & creating engagements are discussed more completely under Selling Memberships. Once a company decides to donate computers, there are many other services, Chimorel can provide, including Asset Management, Recycling and Cleaning Services, Placement With a Twist and more.

Action Plan 13: Sell Memberships $3500
[] Read selling memberships above. Use Website
[] Set a target for amount in memberships you will sell.
[] Break your target into discrete units – see table above.
[] Identify the people and companies you will ask to become members.
[] Create a system to sell memberships.
[] Ask people and organizations to become members.
[] Follow up to determine that the membership is meeting the needs of the client.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal.
Action Plan 14: Create Engagements $5000
[] Read Engagements under Selling Memberships above. Use Website
[] Set a target for amount in engagements you will create.
[] Break your target into discrete units – see table above.
[] Identify/uncover companies who might benefit from an engagement.
[] Create a system to create engagements.
[] Ask people and organizations to become engaged.
[] Involve Warren in the marketing of engagements.
[] Follow up to determine that the engagement is meeting the needs of the client.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal.
Action Plan 15: Create Computer Engagements
[] Asking companies to donate computers is relatively easy, but you need to know who to contact and many companies already have some system in place.
[] Moving from donating computers to the many other services Chimorel offers requires a little sophistication.
[] Set a target for number of computer business accounts you will establish.
[] Identify/uncover companies who might benefit from our computer disposal program.
[] Create a system to establish computer accounts.
[] Ask people and organizations to establish computer accounts.
[] Involve Warren and other leaders in the marketing of other services Chimorel offers.
[] Follow up to determine that the computer account is meeting the needs of the business client.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal.
Action Plan 16-18: Help Chimorel Grow
You might see yourself as a volunteer / paid Resource Developer.
Goal 16: To invite 5 people to become new board members this year.
Goal 17: To establish the Client Assistance Committee with five members in six months.
Goal 18: To find 8 resource developers in the next six months.
If this is an area you would like to make a commitment for, work with Warren using the examples above to create an appropriate goal and action plan.

Thank You !!!
You have had the opportunity to review eighteen sample Action Plans. Obviously, we are not asking you to undertake all 18 at this point and of course, you can create other goals and action plans that go beyond our suggestions. Thank You for your continued interest !!!
There is a lot of work ahead. You undoubtedly have grasped that we share way more information than you may initially need. This is somewhat deliberate. We value your time, so please explore only those areas that interest you, and skim the other areas. Our intention is provide enough information and ideas so you can make things happen immediately.
If you still have a little time, read our Mr Influence story. It is designed to inspire you to higher levels of achievement. The next step involves making actual commitments and developing your Action Plan. Schedule a meeting with Warren at 614-885-0000 or contact us at the link below. Let’s begin to make things happen soon.