Auctions and related activities will become a major opportunity for affiliate nonprofits, Special Project members, civic groups and Chimorel to generate significant revenue. Funds can create training opportunities and jobs, as well as, support Special Projects for civic groups, nonprofits, individuals and businesses.
In the future we will acquire large warehouse facilities, where each auction is anticipated to generate a minimum $50,000 to $1,000,000+. For example, $1,250,000 means 5000 dedicated volunteers and participants raising an average of $250/participant. In this case your organization most likely would be doing approximately 80% of the work and would receive $1,000,000. Chimorel would receive $250,000.
We anticipate perhaps five large warehouses in the greater Columbus Metropolitan area. We will expand to sites in major cities and communities across the USA and around the world. Each site can hold 4 to 20+ auctions every month.
Imagine a 200,000+ square foot warehouse or shopping mall accommodating monthly three day weekend (up to 7 time period) events for 4-7+ civic, religious, educational or other affiliate nonprofits and individual/business Special Projects. Each auction is expected to generate from $50,000 to $1,000,000+ for church building funds, scholarships, affordable housing, healthcare, the elderly, a civic or another Special Project, thus $200,000 to $7 million+ might be generated each month to solve a multitude of concerns.
At $25/sqft the facility asking price might be approximately $5-10,000,000. At the time this is written, in Columbus, OH, there were facilities available for $8,950,000 (519,000 sqft | $17.22/sqft | 24.5 acres), $8,000,000 (365,850 sqft | $21.87/sqft | 16.6 acres), $685,000 (66,000 sqft | $10.38/sqft | 4.9 acres) and others in the range we seek.
Now expand your imagination to 20+ events at five Columbus sites, then to major cities and communities around the world. We can begin to tackle significant problems locally and globally. We consider some of the factors involved briefly below. Now explore our Virtual Online Auctions.

Virtual Online Auctions
Our Virtual Auction program is ready. A number of projects are taking shape. So when you are ready to explore raising funds for your program through virtual auctions, click Introductory Emails Expedited.
Virtual Auctions, following a step by step approach similar to how we work with someone seeking to start a business. In the future we will acquire large warehouses to implement our full Auction program. In the meantime we have acquired the Chimorel Sanctuary where we will be holding events and smaller auctions.
Yes, we will help you raise funds. No, we are not a fund raiser. We work cooperatively with affiliate nonprofits and with those who want to establish a Special Project. This important distinction supports making dreams come true and Chimorel projects simultaneously. You cannot hire us to raise money for you, but we can work together to make the world a little better.
We have identified software programs to conduct Virtual Auctions on-line, essentially anywhere in the world. We intend to form a travel agency, used car dealership, as well as, a landscaping and remodeling business. We are a ClickBank affiliate. We have relationships with liquidators and wholesalers and currently sell items on-line. All this gives you a significant head start as we explore developing auction items which can raise significant funds.
Step by step we are putting the pieces together. We are developing the relationships, plans and mechanisms to enable you to raise significant funds as you also support Chimorel programs. Ask about our Auction White Paper to learn more about how we will expand beyond Virtual Auctions and events at the Sanctuary.
If you are ready to raise funds now, explore the link above to our Introductory Emails Expedited. You will begin to learn how to invite people, how to create auction items and how to get your feet wet with fund raising alternatives. If you want to spend a little time learning about our developing Auction program consider the factors involved below.

Brief Memberships & Programs
Staff & Event Planning | Sponsors & Activities | Professionals
Affiliate Nonprofits & Special Projects
Auction events are intended to support affiliate nonprofits, as well as, individual and organizational Special Projects as they seek to fund needs in the lives of their constituents, their organization and their individual lives.
An affiliate nonprofit can enter into a joint fund raising venture with Chimorel as a member or through our $1000>$5000 program. If you want to raise funds for your nonprofit or civic project explore our “Introductory Emails” and “Expedited Process.”

As an individual or an organization, you can also create a Special Project to fund things like a college education, starting a business, paying a hospital bill, research for a new venture, the down payment on a home and just about any need you can imagine.
For a $50,000 project you most likely will need 50-100 enthusiastic volunteers who raise an average of $200+ from approximately 250 participants. For a $1 million dollar project you will want 250 enthusiastic volunteers, 5000 participants at an average of $250/participant. Typically the split between Chimorel and the group raising funds is 40-60%, depending on many factors.
Most fund raising events require eight months to more than one year to plan, organize and implement. For serious groups Chimorel’s training and system can reduce the time to less than half when the group is ready to hit the ground running.

Memberships & Programs Briefly
Chimorel has 8 memberships and more than 20 programs. Auctions are just one program,. Auctions offer an opportunity to raise significant sums which can solve many problems and achieve significant goals. Each program is designed to support you in one specific area and works closely with our memberships to achieve your goals.
An annual Action Planning Membership entitles an individual or a family to establish a first level Special Project to solve a problem or achieve a goal requiring funding of $2500 to $25,000. Higher levels require success at this first level, but could potentially fund projects requiring multi-millions of dollars.
Once you establish a membership, you automatically move to higher level memberships and programs, depending on your objectives, as long as you stay actively involved. You could become a Nonprofit member or a Small Business member. You could enter a 735 Plan, 2100 Plan or 5000 Plan Lifetime membership. In fact as you participate in our Auction program, you automatically become a 5000 Plan member when you help generate $5000 allocated to Chimorel.
The variety of Chimorel programs can be a little overwhelming and as new concepts develop and needs become apparent, they continue to grow. Many of these programs will tie directly to our Auction program. They may supply volunteers or the Auction Program may be one way to fund the goals behind a program. Some of these related programs are: I Got a Job, Odd Job, Concerned Citizen, Property Renovation, Recycling, Downsizing, Surplus Inventory, Home Builder and Involve your Constituents.
Staff & Event Planning
Those who work with Chimorel frequently start as a volunteer and prove themselves. Volunteers may or may not earn Incentives and Chimorel Bucks based on their achievements and productive time invested. Incentives are time based and can be forfeited if certain goals are not accomplished. Chimorel Bucks are the equivalent of cash. They can be donated, but not forfeited.
If you believe you have the marketing, management and planning skills required, we are currently looking for Event Planners. Full-time Event Planners can earn $75,000+ in salary, benefits and bonuses, starting initially as a volunteer, becoming an Independent Contractor, proving yourself, then being invited to become an employee. Event Planners will support affiliate nonprofits, Special Project members and Chimorel to raise substantial sums and will coordinate a wide variety of volunteers.
Within the Warehouse Training Program, we will need Work Experience Coordinators capable of prospective marketing, job creation, case management and work training. Work training experiences may include skills in basic work activities, office & telemarketing, warehouse work, driving and forklift,

housekeeping and janitorial, retail (cashier, stocking, etc), hand tools, computer disassembly and testing, processing scrap materials, food service(cook, waitress, bus boy, hostess, etc), car repair, child care, greenhouse, state tested nursing assistant and a variety of other skills as needs and relevant training are developed. Full-time Work Experience Coordinators can earn $50,000+.
As the fully developed Warehouse Auction program matures we will need competent auctioneers, technical staff, food service staff, volunteer coordinator assistants, business/accounting staff and warehouse management staff. Each staff member will learn multiple skills to assist other staff when necessary.
Sponsors, Activities &

In addition to the actual auction, significant additional funds can be raised through Sponsors, Activities, Online Participants & Buy Stuff, as well as, Memberships & Programs. Many of these revenue sources can begin before and continue after actual events, providing an immediate and ongoing revenue stream. Click the Sponsors link above to learn more about sponsors. In the future we will also have an Activities link to learn more about activities.
Now stretch your imagination. In the picture below we show a few of the activities we plan and are already doing. The images are a little small. Here they are left to right, top to bottom. Live Auction, Grandma & Child playing cards, Wellness Schedule (make trail mix, meditation, pilates, mask making), Barbecue, Making Juice, Making Healthy Snacks, Meditation Walks, Labyrinth, Silent Auction, Group Twister, Children Making Things, Rope Pull, Stretching, Bonfire, Massage Therapy, Group Meditation, Camping, Mother & Child Exercising, Lawn Bowling, Water Fight, TicTacToe game.
Elsewhere on our website are discussions to enable Realtors and Accredited Investors to support our projects. See the links above. We describe acquiring a Warehouse in our Auction White Paper. This white paper discusses the viability of acquiring a 200,000+ sqft facility and the strategies we will implement to make it happen. Ask for the white paper at Contact Us.
The warehouse sought should be on a bus line, relatively close to large immigrant and/or welfare populations, have substantial parking (up to 1500 cars) at or nearby, allow for additional outdoor storage or building cold storage shelters and allow for staging outdoor events/auctions. The facility should have or enable the development of convention/restaurant operations.
As Chimorel’s projects grow, we will seek investors. At first we will only talk to Accredited Investors who will be able to earn 12-20% annual return. Eventually, we will register certain investment opportunities and will open investment opportunities to the general public with returns ranging from 8-12%.
Chimorel is always looking for competent professionals to join its Prospective, Finance and Advisory boards. Depending on our needs a position on one of these boards may be voluntary and require minimal time or compensated for a specific project. Prospective Board members can become Voting board members when positions become available.

Procuring Auction Items
We intend to reduce your struggle to find auction items, but there will still be some significant work involved. You can literally auction anything; however, you are seeking items that are unique, desirable, useful and sought after. You want to ask companies you already work with, as well as, friends, neighbors and friends to be for items. Frequently, your auction items will follow the theme for your event. Then you want to explore using the following as a guideline.
You may remember the guest focus and detail focus from the Volunteers & Procuring Items under our Expedited Emails. At the end of each type of item we carry this same theme forward.
Chimorel will work with you to identify and procure numerous “high ticket” items, as well as, a variety of other items. Below we list several potential items with links as to how we can procure and market these items.
Once a member of your core group and second tier donors and volunteers have committed to 25 hours and/or donated $100, we provide them with a variety of training materials, which they can in effect sell to others as you begin the pre-auction process of getting 50 to 250+ people involved.
On average you are seeking $200-$250 from 100, 250 … 5000 people in order to achieve your goal. A few people may only commit in advance to a $50 meal and activity ticket for their family. Some people will buy a $10-20,000+ car, vacation package or renovation project. You are also seeking an average of 25 volunteer hours from 25, 50 … 500 volunteers.
Buying Your Second Car
Can support your favorite charity
In the near future Chimorel will be creating a car dealership. We can help your guests find that Second Car they are going to buy anyway. In Columbus there are car auctions almost every day of the week. As a dealer we can buy thru these auctions at wholesale or below.
In the past Chimorel has had car donations. This will continue in the future. You may know of people who would like to donate cars. When someone donates a car, we will evaluate the car for repairs needed. Obviously, a donated car increases the potential amount raised at auction or for a Special project.
You can enable us to identify people who intend to buy a used car. You may also tell us about mechanics, suppliers and others who will help us reduce the costs to acquire and repair used cars. Identifying car buyers & Donors carries a Guest focus. Handling the details carries a Detail focus.

Guided Travel Packages
Thorough our developing travel agency, we will provide Guided Travel Packages that your guests can create specifically to meet their needs, as well as, occasional travel packages that can be auctioned.
Your primary Travel Package role will be to identify lots of people who will be planning vacations. Some of your volunteers might serve as “travel agents” which can increase your earnings. Finding guests and acting as a Travel Agent carries both a Guest and a Detail focus.
Recycling, Etc.
Our Recycling, Surplus Inventory and Downsizing programs will add many more possible items. We have already received donations of thousands of dollars in surplus inventory, as well as, recycled and reused tons of electronic and other items. Many of these items can be sold through our eBay store or at auction.
Your primary role here is to help us develop relationships with schools, religious organizations, other nonprofits, manufactures, wholesalers, retailers, retirees and other individuals who can donate surplus inventory, electronic and other items that are surplus, being replaced or being downsized.
You can also talk to organizations like Goodwill, the Kidney Foundation and the Salvation Army who have recently donated items that we can help market through our Auction program. Much of recycling carries a Detail focus, as things are picked up, processed, etc. There is also a guest focus at the auction and in order to get items donated.

Buy Wholesale, Drop Ship
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Chimorel Group is a ClickBank affiliate. There are thousands of digital and physical products in many categories to choose from. Products range from less than $10 to well over $600. We receive from 25-75% of this value. Items are selected, paid for and delivered via ClickBank, so we have no upfront cost to acquire them.
Your role is to think about what kind of items your guests might choose and then to capture the information which we will then post.

One Remodeling Project could potentially generate $10,000. $20,000 or a lot more. Behind this kind of item is our Home Builder program. The essential elements of remodeling are Management/Planning, Labor and Materials. Using strategies from our Home Builder Program, we can guide a participating guest through the Management/Planning phase. To the degree that we can get donations of Labor and materials remodeling can potentially generate substantial revenue.
Developing remodeling projects as an auction item will require a considerable effort. Not every nonprofit affiliate will want to step into this kind of item; therefore, it is not included in the menu to the left. As mentioned Chimorel can guide the Management/Planning. Material discounts are more likely than material donations on a regular basis. The initial focus should be on developing a wide range of relationships for donated labor, which will meet code requirements. If you have several qualified tradespeople who can pull permits and will donate their time, lets talk when you want to consider this type of item.
And now the fun begins !!!
You want to establish a Creativity Committee whose purpose is to think outside the box, to find low and high ticket items that will enable everyone to participate, and to stretch the giving potential. This Committee will expand their creativity and imaginations with the following kinds of items:
Experiences: Think unique, and priceless! Backstage pass at the theatre or ballet event. Ride in the local news helicopter. You and a friend play basketball with two members of a local professional team.
Services: Performed by your staff or professional supporters! Board host party for winner and 10 friends at President’s house with Board cooking the meal, waiting on tables and playing bartender. Group of supporters clean winner’s house. Take winner’s car for oil change every three months for a year.
Mission Related Items: Reflect on what you do. Then develop Buy It Now and Auction packages to support your mission.
… $10/meal for homeless. Bid on how many meals you will supply, 20 = $200.
… $10 for baseballs (underprivileged youth sports). $50 for uniforms, 10 = $500.
… Inscribed Bricks for Chimorel’s Building fund. = $535/brick. See Sponsors.
Fund Raising Items: Google to find hundreds/thousands of possibilities. Many, many companies produce items for fund raisers. We list a few to stimulate your imagination: T-shirts, Scratchcards, Chocolate, Pretzelrods, Cookie Dough, Lollipops, Snacks, Beef Jerky, Discount Cards, Magazines, Smencils, Custom Sports Apparel, Heritage Candles, Popcorn, Tumblers, Face painting, Restaurant Gift Cards, Local Coupon Books, Raise Right Cards, Candy, Pizza, Providing brochures for a wide variety of items, Flower Bulbs, Dinner & Movie Cards, Tea & Coffee, Journey of Faith Candles, Read-a-thons, Shoe Drive, Bricks, Box Tops, Silicone Bracelets, Recycle Printer Cartridges / Cell Phones, Reusable Bags, Tote Bags, Custom Pens, Pay to Play, Jail Time, Celebrity Items/Contacts, Jewelry Box, Sports Event Tickets, Signed Memorabilia, Dogie Treats, Gift Baskets, City Bar Crawl, Custom Art Work, Golf Lessons, Stuffed Animals and much more.
Yes, you can buy items and sell them for a higher price and for many items this may be the most effective way to go. You can also take an idea and create your own items, which is probably less expensive, fresher and more desirable because it is homemade or created by people in your organization. We already do T Shirts, recycling (just about anything) and Scrip Cards (most retailers, movie theaters, gas, etc.)
Just whetting your appetite !!!
Finding sources for unique, desirable, useful and sought after items is a little like seeing the tip of an iceberg. Together we will continue to explore the possibilities. And because we will be working with many organizations, the possibilities will keep expanding for all these organizations. We indeed have more possibilities to share as we put all the pieces together for the research we have already done and will continue to do.
Your creativity and imagination, using our suggestions and then thinking outside the box, will add many more possibilities intended to inspire your supporters to help you reach your goal. The possibilities others create will become possibilities for you as well.
The risk is that all the possibilities can become overwhelming. It is essential to focus on what you can do and what your supporters want. Always keep your guests in mind. Then assign people specific items to identify, procure and create.