We anticipate developing a wide variety of Affiliates, Sponsors and Wholesale Distributors to broaden the revenue generating opportunities available to you.
Affiliate opportunities include Members in our Cooperative Effort Program, Nonprofit Affiliates, vendors in our Buy Stuff program and a wide variety of Internet Affiliates. You can explore a few opportunities below. Again this is a section that is developing.
Sponsors may be Joint Venture Partners, Investors, Advertisers and Employers. We open the door to Sponsors elsewhere.
We seek to develop a wide network of Wholesale Distributors. We describe this intention below.
Seeking Affiliates
Members in our Cooperative Effort Program
Nonprofit Affiliates
Vendors in our Buy Stuff program
Internet Affiliates

Wholesale Distributors

Network of Wholesale Distributors
Wholesale Distributors can provide products for our Chimorel4U stores and shopping mall, as well as, income opportunities for our clients, participants and retail customers.
Several years ago we began to develop relationships with climate change and health suppliers. These two areas will most likely be where our initial efforts are focused once we find the managers to develop this area. More
Finance Your Growth
Distribution, Marketing, Consulting, Finance
There are significant existential threats we must face together. These threats call for an unprecedented effort by those of us who see the handwriting on the wall. There are also significant health concerns. We are creating a network to provide the distribution, marketing, consultation and financing required to address these threats and health concerns in a consequential way. Below we describe briefly how to step into this network and make a difference. Some of the players are in place. Many more need to be established.

Initial Funding and Screening Process
What we describe is currently tentative. As more of the players are established, the process will be refined. We seek to fund an initial five to twenty projects ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 using Chimorel’s second stage Special Projects. The first stage of $25,000 is the first step in the screening process. It requires an application fee of $2500. Higher levels of $1,000,000+ will be established as the initial stages are successful.
Each project is expected to be able to generate a potential of 20% annual ROI. We are developing distribution, marketing and consulting services to assure your success. We bring research and analyzing capabilities to the table immediately. You will enter into a three phase screening process.
The first phase deals with product efficacy, consumer acceptance and expected superior service. Documentation for clinical trials and anecdotal evidence should be easily available and enthusiastically provided. This documentation should demonstrate that the product or service (hereafter product) has significant benefit and no/minimal health risks to the consumer. The product should become widely accepted by the consumer. Initially demonstration of superior service will be based on responsiveness to requests for information. Long term superior service will be ensured in the contracts entered into. A Good Faith Distributor Invitation is available.
The second phase of the screening process will ask specific questions. As a candidate seeking funding, you should want the funding, participate in seeking the funding and be responsive to the following questions.
- How much are you seeking?
- What will you do with the funds, if you are selected?
- How will you participate in seeking the funding?
- How will you provide a 20+% annual ROI on funds provided?
- How could you provide a greater than 20% annual ROI in the future?
- What is your current marketing strategy?
- What countries do you currently market to?
- Current annual sales?
- What is your current manufacturing cost as a percent of sales?
- How can you reduce this cost?
- What is your current expandable production capacity?
- What do you need to expand your production capacity?
- What assurances are you willing to provide?
The third phase will dive deep and should be based on the equivalent of a business plan you provide or we develop together. If writing a business plan is not one of your strengths, one of our consultants can assist. The cost of writing a comprehensive business plan typically starts at $25,000. Because you will be guided to write your own plan, we will teach you how to afford the actual cost and provide guidance to simplify the process.
We are concerned about current expandable capacity and will work with you to establish significant additional capacity and growth. Meeting the existential threats our world faces will require a significant capacity beyond the current capabilities of most companies.
The SBA provides both a standard and a lean business plan format here. The standard format consists of: Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Organization and Management, Service or Product line, Marketing and Sales, Funding Request, Financial Projections, Appendix.
The lean format consists of: Key Partnerships, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Proposition, Customer Relationships, Customer Segments, Channels, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.
Our primary focus will be on your marketing plan, initially. Your marketing plan combined with your financial projections will illustrate how you will achieve our ROI expectations. Then you will focus on your management capabilities and system structure.
How We Will Support You
You will have the opportunity to connect with our existing network and if you have the appropriate skills to become part of this network. Our existing network consists of management & IT consultants, marketing experts and nonprofits concerned about yy. The IT consultant offers insights into a connected, collaborative, block chain, global and social media platform intended to coordinate the efforts of other entrepreneurs, activists and concerned citizens.
One of the nonprofits will coordinate a significant internet capability to identify, vet and enable cooperative activities intended to resolve existential threats. A second nonprofit and profit group will assist with a wide range of distribution, marketing and affiliate fund raising capabilities, as well as, many services intended to mitigate existential threats. We seek additional organizations to expand these capabilities.

Our Expectations
As a product or service provided seeking funding, you will be expected to provide superior customer service and a natural product which can have a significant impact on consumers, health concerns and existential threats. Your ROI strategies can include an equity investment, establishing marketing and distribution relationships, a high interest loan and other negotiable strategies.
As a competent producer your manufacturing cost should be in the 7-12% range with a manufacturing cost plus profit in the ball park of 25% based on retail price. We can provide consulting, marketing and distribution services to assist you in achieving these objectives.
You should have or develop a plan for significant growth and capacity. Your drop ship wholesale prices should provide an approximate 25% (no investment) or 35% (with investment) discount from retail, scalable based on volume.
How to Provide a 20+% Annual ROI on our Investment
Equity Investment: We do not seek to own a majority of your company. You should benefit from a majority ownership of your company, providing you meet our ROI expectations and respond to our consulting efforts. One way to provide the appropriate assurances is to enter into a flexible equity investment.
Marketing and Distribution Relationship: The percent discount you offer can include both our marketing and distributing your product. The agreement we reach is probably the most effective way to provide an annual 20% ROI on our investment. The difference in percentages noted above is how to achieve the return.
High Interest Loan Backed by Convertible Shares: A 20%/yr loan backed by some kind of convertible ownership or by a high discount with a distributorship is another alternative. With the right combination, the interest rate could be reduced.
Consulting Fees: If you struggle, we will assist and will charge consulting fees to do so. These consulting fees can be considered part of the ROI you provide.
Other Alternatives: We are open to your creative suggestions, backed by realistic assurances.

320% ROI 10+ Year Investment
In the long run you want to own your company. So here are some options: Pay us 40-60% plus return all of our investment in two to three years and you own the company. Or pay us 320% in ten years, 100% return of investment plus 22%/year. Or 20% for 3-5 years, 10% for five years and 5% until you reach 320%. Or 5% for two years, 10% for five years and 20%/year until you reach 320%.
Using a combination of convertible shares, marketing and distribution, consulting, etc. reaching 320% in ten years or less is reasonable. If you seek $1,000,000 your return would be $3,200,000 over ten years. The difference between owning your company outright and having someone else own your company is significant in terms of your overall return and in terms of your peace of mind. Failure to provide the agreed to ROI would require consulting, adjustments to the distribution discount and/or adjustments in ownership.
Good Faith Distributor Invitation
Hi and Welcome, Potential Distributors
Warren Goodenow here. A growing list of competent, excited Partners and a constantly expanding consortium of scientists, entrepreneurs, active volunteers and funding sources seek to distribute products which can have a meaningful impact on the existential threats of climate change and health concerns.
I and others on our team coordinate these scientists, entrepreneurs, business people and volunteers in an attempt to mitigate these existential threats. We look forward to working with you in the near future.
We seek to explore a distributor agreement with you. If we contacted you, we have already explored your site. Otherwise, at your request we will review your website for our standards of customer service, exceptional product quality/ efficacy and technical documentation. We bring to the table a growing team which can market and distribute your products and services, finance your growth and provide the consultation you may need to significantly expand acceptance of your natural, high quality, effective products. Below we indicate our expectations and suggest we eventually enter into a simple agreement based on good faith.

Our First Expectation is impeccable integrity. To test this expectation we prefer to initiate each distributor relationship with the equivalent of a handshake, dropship alliance. You tell us what your wholesale and retail pricing will be, including shipping to the U.S. and globally. We agree not to interfere with your existing customers and to protect truly proprietary concerns regarding your product and systems. We discuss upfront any additional concerns, such as Independent Contractor status, hemp emphasis, and other concerns.
We begin to refer clients to you. You ship the product and pays the commission earned based on your wholesale pricing. We work toward a long term relationship, which is eventually documented by an acceptable agreement, based on specific requirements for customer service. Our distributor network will be a major part of our ability to provide superior customer service, etc, identified during the handshake period.
We will post your products on our Chimorel website. Our growing network of affiliates, partners and volunteers use this site to broaden our referrals to you. We seek relationships that expand your customer base.
Our Second Expectation is absolutely superior customer service, as well as, massive product capability / efficacy. To test customer service, we will initially consider your responsiveness and availability. You will quickly discover that we tend to be in a hurry. Existential threats are looming. At the same time, we can be patient when you need to get to know us and evaluate our potential to significantly grow your business. We will be constantly seeking ways to improve our customer service, in small thing and on a grand innovative scale. Our distributor network can be a major part of our ability to provide superior customer service. Simultaneously, we seek excellent natural product capability which will rejuvenate and energize the health of our planet. We seek documentation that your products are safe, environmentally friendly and will contribute to sustainability.

Our Third Concern is capacity, growth and sustainability. One area of mitigating climate change is to dramatically enhance carbon sequestration. Growing strong plants that sequester a lot of carbon is a significant method to achieve this goal. We are woefully short on this end of the equation. Our planet faces polar ice melt, significant deforestation, continued burning of fossil fuels, volcanic venting, mass coral bleaching and many other factors which are affected by and contribute to climate change. You can have a meaningful impact, but we need many significant players.
Expanding capacity may initially mean adding an additional shift or other relatively simple adjustments. Eventually, expanded capacity will involve significantly greater commitment. Approaching this kind of commitment requires much more than a simple handshake. We intend to bring many ideas and funding to assist in the process. When these requirements become urgent, we will structure agreements to meet those expectations, and at your request will offer several opportunities for funding.
Our Fourth Concern flows from capacity. Because we need many players to meet the global need and because many of our customers will seek multiple alternatives to scale their endeavors, we will not enter into an exclusive relationship.
Our Fifth Expectation is to agree on a fair allocation regarding the wholesale and retail value of your products, which we explore below.
Avoiding Red Flags
We do not intend to waste money and especially time making lawyers richer and our stakeholders poorer, so if you are of a litigious mindset, even though your products are fantastic, let’s not begin and certainly let’s not continue an ongoing relationship, which is not based on impeccable integrity, which does not provide superior service and does not recognize that we are all connected at a profoundly deep level. We must work cooperatively together to make the world a healthier, better, safer and more sustainable place. We will eventually want to create a simple agreement, which specifies how we will provide superior service, based on good faith and which avoids pressure toward a litigious mindset.
Certainly parties with good intentions can have disagreements. We will always work with you to resolve any problem, keeping in mind that superior service to our mutual clients and impeccable integrity are our two top priorities.
Assuming we start with a handshake agreement and begin to bring new clients to you, we will undoubtedly uncover areas which can be improved to provide our mutual clients with superior service and to continually improve the efficiency of product delivery. We may be able to bring cooperative relationships which can enhance the value of your products. We certainly will want to explore alternatives which can minimize shipping on a global scale.
It is when we begin to explore all the possibilities that we will want to draft the kind of agreements that will provide the best possible and continually improving customer service. This cannot be done with boiler plate legal documents filled with red flags and litigious phrases.

Here are a few red flag litigious phrases and our response:
- “This agreement will be construed according to the laws of Blank state or worse XYZ Country.” This is frequently an appropriate phrase, but it suggests we might need to employ a lawyer just to be sure we don’t contravene any laws of that state or country. It also suggests that instead of working through any concern with the best interests of the client in mind, we may be required to hire a lawyer in a state or country to resolve issues that will inevitably arise as we rapidly take steps to mitigate the existential threat posed by climate change. Instead of sitting down some weekend over some steaks and spirits to solve a concern, this kind of language could push us toward a lengthy trial or other adversarial procedure.
- Limitations by county, state or region and Master Distributorships with dealers who cannot actively work to meet the existential threats. The issue here is not the Master Distributor. It is the limitation that does not allow us to bring you clients from every state, region and many countries around the world. We believe in healthy cooperative relationships. Our focus is not to squeeze every dime of profit at someone else’s expense. There is an urgent need to bring the best possible products to resolve a crisis that can literally mean life or death for billions of people. We are more than willing to work with everyone to deal with this looming catastrophe and will typically enrich everyone who works cooperatively, moving quickly to deal with the issues involved. Going back to Red Flag #1, solving issues quickly over a BBQ or a telephone call makes things happen and we really may not have a lot of time before the big problems become lethal.
- Competing solely on the basis of low price instead of excellent value. Retail pricing must offer customers excellent value, but for quality products excellent value does not mean being the low cost producer or trying to compete on price alone. If you have distributors who seek to compete on the basis of lowest price, instead of best value, this is a significant red flag and we may choose not to participate. Again, we seek to work cooperatively with everyone to meet an existential threat and will pass when failure to cooperate moves in the direction of a litigious mindset and away from superior service at good / great value.
- Ownership of Client and other nonproprietary restrictions. The only person who owns a client’s information is the client and as part of providing superior service we most certainly will respect the client’s wishes. It is in our mutual best interest to share information which provides exceptional client service and to not dispute who owns who owns such information. You definitely will have genuine proprietary formulas, systems, etc. We will, of course, honor such information. We will encourage you to be as open as possible all your stakeholders in order to provide the best possible service to all involved.
- Being slow to offer or even understand both wholesale and retail pricing. Yes, they really are different, but a few of our brilliant product inventors and their Master Distributors haven’t seemed to realize the difference. Typically, your manufacturing costs should be 25% or less based on your lowest offered retail price. As your volume increases manufacturing cost should approach 10% or less. Retail prices, as well as, your costs should go down as volume purchased goes up. Wholesale / distributor prices should be approximately 55% of retail prices. With an investment we should pay 40-45% of retail prices. Drop ship prices should be discounted approximately 25% from retail and 35% with an investment with some flexibility based on volume. Our customers may vary from the home gardener or ecological scientist to those planting billions of trees with many nations or some similar customer based on your product. We will initially want to dropship your products at a reasonable discount from retail. As distribution needs become clear, we will establish a warehouse and distribution system and will buy in multiple pallet / semi-truck container loads at appropriate wholesale prices. A handshake agreement still means a clear understanding and acceptance of your retail and wholesale pricing at all volume levels.
- Failure to provide initial drop shipping or global shipping. If you expect us to order in multiple pallet / truck / container loads, we will wait until our orders meet your expectation before ordering for a short time; however, this impacts superior customer service and will not continue indefinitely. On the other hand, significantly large order become prohibitively expensive when factoring shipping costs from two or more shipping points into the equation, especially with global shipping. Our clients will come from many different countries, as well as, everywhere in the USA. Minimizing shipping costs is a significant part of providing superior service.
- As time goes on, we will enter into whatever agreements are required to provide consistently superior customer service with constant improvements. This suggests that regardless of whatever agreement we enter into initially, these agreements will change over time to meet changing conditions. Because superior customer service is so important, expect our agreements to change as new customer needs surface. We anticipate eventually entering into a Master Agreement, which will periodically be modified by addendums as conditions change.
Simple Agreement Based on Good Faith
Let’s Make It Happen Soon
Welcome to our world. We tend to move fast, but welcome your thorough investigation. As soon as we verbally, backed up by emails and text messages, agree on retail and wholesale prices and any other concerns you may have, we can list you on Chimorel’s website.
After we talk a little, we may indicate on this website that you are a potential distributor. We will immediately begin to tell the world about you through social media and our newsletter. We have several thousand contacts currently and a constantly growing network of professionals and enthusiastic volunteers.
You may prefer to enter into an initial agreement which minimizes the red flags mentioned above and does not establish a litigious mindset. It will take a little longer as we seek to establish a tension free relationship. Words that say “it’s not important” or “they don’t mean what the words convey” are big red flags regarding your integrity.
Eventually, we will want to enter into a simple agreement based on good faith which establishes: 1) A desire to cooperate. 2) An intention to maintain impeccable integrity. 3) A willingness to provide and continually improve on superior customer service 4) An ability to provide natural products which are good for the environment and/or enhance good health. 5) A willingness and eventual ability to expand capacity to meet the needs of an expanding network and customer base to effectively reduce the existential threats we face. 6) Of course, we will specify wholesale and retail prices. 7) Specific additional expectations, which can be amended, as we uncover issues during our continuing relationship.
Our agreement will minimize (1) Litigious phrasing. (2) Limitations which reduce global and customer service effectiveness. (3) Shipping, warehousing and other costs where ever possible to maximize profitability for each participant and minimize costs for our customers. (4) Creating an adversarial mindset. We look forward to a long and prosperous relationship, which will have a meaningful impact to reduce the devastating impact of climate change while creating a healthier, more sustainable world.
This good faith distributor invitation is posted on Chimorel’s website. Climate change is just one of the projects we are involved in. While you are on the website, look around. Get a feel for what you can do to enable us to achieve our Vision. Explore. Discover how we support individuals, businesses and nonprofits to achieve goals, solve problems and enhance each nation’s viability, one life at a time.