Active Recycling Program
This program is being developed. Will you help us grow?
See Action Plan Below
Happening Now
Aluminum Cans: Right now Chimorel recycles aluminum cans and has for many years. Chimorel has periodically recycled cans and white paper with large companies as they sought to implement green programs.
Today, you can bring aluminum cans to one of our drop off points. Bring at least one large bag, preferably 2/3 to maximize your trip. If you are willing to maximize your efforts, smash and rinse the cans to save space, as well as, reduce flies and insects. Contact Us to arrange a drop off.
Hmmmm, seems like a lot of effort for not a lot of money? Ohhh, but your missing the most important part. We get to meet you and talk for a few minutes about how we can make the world a little better together.
Ewaste: Right now Chimorel recycles tons of ewaste every year. Families and companies from every part of Columbus, Franklin and Delaware counties call to drop off items. See the links to the left to learn more. Some of our computers, etc. end up at nonprofits and small businesses or with individuals. Some are taken apart and sold as parts and materials. Some parts are sold on eBay. You drop off smaller quantities. We will pick up loads of 20 items or more. Contact Us to arrange a drop off or pickup. … and once again we get to meet and talk.
Downsizing & Surplus Inventory: Chimorel has already acquired more than $150,000 in surplus inventory. This inventory was donated or acquired for pennies on the dollar. We have already helped a few people to downsize. … and once again we get to meet and talk.
In Development … Help Us Grow!
Three Distinct Programs
1) Complete Program: $275 paid in advance; $325 paid in installments or through our Client Assistance Program. 2) Limited Program: $195 paid in advance, $250 paid in installments or through our Client Assistance Program. 3) Advanced Program: $425 paid in advance, $500 paid in installments. Periodically Chimorel will schedule sales for the Active Recycler program giving special discounts and incentives.
With the Complete Program you receive an Action Planning membership, Collection Cart, Recycling/Goal Setting Interview, Client Assistance, and participation in a Focus Group. With the Limited Program you receive a Starter membership, Recycling Interview and Collection Cart. With the Advanced Program you receive 5-7 carts, an Action Planning Membership, training to become a Neighborhood Collector, a Recycling/Goal Setting Interview, Client Assistance, participation in a Focus Group, and an income opportunity.
In the Advanced Program, if you or one of your children act with a Neighborhood Recycling Coordinator to collect recyclables from 25-100 neighbors you can generate $750-2500+/year toward college tuition or another specific goal.
As a Neighborhood Recycling Coordinator you would coordinate 250-5000 homes and businesses and could earn $15,000-$70,000+/yr. In addition to improving the environment, this program can enable you to achieve many specific goals.
If you are interested in developing this program, you will participate in creating a more complete description, including collection areas, materials, implementation time-lines, and the elements of a recycling interview.

Become an Active Recycler
We strongly encourage you to join our Active Recycling program, to invite your friends and neighbors to join, as well, and to support us as we develop this project. Start with what’s happening now. Then as quickly as possible, let’s move to develop a complete Active Recycling program. To establish a meaningful Active Recycling program in your neighborhood we need to do several things:
- We need 25+ participants in your neighborhood to establish your Active Recycling Program.
- We need 100+ participants to place an Order for Collection Carts.
- We need to place at least one order for collection carts before we can establish real collection routes.
- We need 2500-5000+ participants to establish the small Collection Center.
- We need 10-25,000 Participants establish a large Collection Center.
These targets are relatively easy to achieve, if you and many friends take an active role to make them happen. At the first steps, you will drop cans and ewaste at a drop off point, then take your other recyclables to existing recycling centers or have the City pick them up. At the Collection Cart Order step, we will buy collection carts and establish collection routes. At the small and large Collection Center steps, a meaningful Active Recycling Program would begin.
If you are genuinely interested in establishing an Active Recycling program in Columbus or Delaware, don’t send any money. Just send an email with your name and phone using Contact Us and tell us about your interest. We will call you and get together with you and others as they become interested.
Recycling Action Plan
In Columbus and Delaware, Ohio, call for an appointment.
- Collect your aluminum cans. Bring 1-3+ bags (rinsed and flattened) to a drop off point.
- Bring your ewaste to Warren. We’ll pick up 20+ items.
- Initiate a paper, aluminum can, ewaste program and more at your company. Initial cost for containers easily offset by dumpster fee reduction/elimination.
- Initiate a software storage and protection program.
- Create an active recycling program in your neighborhood.
- Support our capital campaign to establish/acquire our first Collection Center.
- Continue capital campaigns to establish & acquire state wide, national, international Collection Centers
- Learn about and support funding plastic reclaim centers, recycling industrial parks, etc (see New Recycling Story) to change the lackluster response to recycling now China and other foreign countries no longer take plastic and other recyclables that fill our oceans and landfills.