Your 735 Plan Lifetime Membership is designed to expand your Action Planning Membership for the rest of your life. Any individual or family can receive a Lifetime Membership through Chimorel’s 735 Plan. The minimum investment is $735 plus 75 volunteer hours, which entitle you to discounts and a variety of benefits.
Your 735 Plan membership is very comprehensive as explained in the 735 Stories and other links to the left. Your Action Planning membership automatically upgrades to a 735 Plan Lifetime membership when you stay actively involved. Step by Step Financial Planning is included with your 735 Plan. When you compare Comprehensive Planning vs our Step by Step Financial Planning you will uncover a significant cost difference. Participate in developing the Chimorel Cooperative as another perk of the 735 Plan.
You can explore Chimorel’s 735 Lifetime Membership in much greater
depth by taking 25 minutes or more to complete our 735 training module.
This training module goes into significant detail and
includes all the links on the left.
Chimorel's Plan for Growth
We genuinely appreciate your taking time to explore this Training Module and look forward to your direct involvement as we help others. It will, of course, take time and much effort to write all the Educational packets planned, to get our telephone support system operational, to determine and initiate the most appropriate group sessions, to develop relations with professionals who accept our unique style of paying fees, to implement efficient systems for business development programs and to establish the Chimorel Cooperative.
Our plan for growth will focus first on those areas that have the greatest demand and with which you get involved. Programs will expand when you and others exhibit the patience and commitment to establish the required resources.
When the resources are not yet available and the motivation to work with us to develop a program is not yet strong, we may temporarily decline the opportunity to provide a requested service. What this really means is that we want to focus our limited resources on those who get involved and will wait when motivation is limited. This plan for growth depends on YOU. We genuinely want to enable you to achieve significant goals. When you do you will have more resources to support others.
Starting Your 735 Plan
You start your 735 Plan Membership by setting one to five specific goals. Each goal should include an action verb, a dollar amount and a time frame. As you set your goals, you may want to review the [Reality Check] questions you will uncover under Step By Step Financial Planning.
A comprehensive list of special services with their values is available. Reviewing this list will help you evaluate the support services you may want from Chimorel in order to achieve your goals. To receive this list send an email to Contact Us requesting the list.
If you are ready to start your 735 Plan Membership, use the Initiate a 735 Plan link below.
We suggest you start with Step by Step financial planning, unless you have a major problem to solve. Your 735 plan encourages you to develop and use all the resources available to you, both inside and outside of Chimorel.
Your 735 Plan Lifetime Membership consists of four components: 1) Your Focus, 2) Your Service, 3) Your Cash and 4) Periodic Reviews. These components blend the support you need to achieve at least one significant goal with our expectation for you to support others. You will discover certain tax advantages to our program. As long as you stay involved, your 735 Plan will be available for the rest of your life. A lot of thought has gone into structuring this first level of our Lifetime memberships.

Components of Your 735 Plan
You can focus on yourself, your business, your nonprofit, supporting someone else or take on a global concern. You can step into our Step by Step Financial Planning to focus on 1) Getting & keeping a job you turn into a lifelong career. 2) Managing your cash, time, energy and other resources to create the best possible outcomes. 3) Managing the major risks in your life to reduce the hazards which can prevent achieving your goals. 4) Learn investment strategies so you are in control of your future and 25 years from now you have several million dollars for your retirement. 5) Achieve many goals. Plan new ones. Put your kids through college. Build your dream house. Plan vacations. Make the world a little better. Add satisfaction to your life. This is a life time membership. Over time your focus will change and you will achieve many goals.
When you support others, many good things happen. The service part of your 735 Plan builds a team of people to support achieving your goals. It teaches you skills, builds your self-confidence and it enablels others to achieve their goals. There is something magical that happens when you transform the life of someone else. Then with tears in their eyes they say thank you and touch your heart. When you learn to be a giver, instead of a taker, wonderful things happen in your life. You just might transform a part of the world. You certainly will transform your own life.
Cash or something that acts like cash is required to pay for the things you need and the things Chimorel needs. Your 735 Plan teaches you to make the best use of the cash you spend. Mixing cash with volunteer work keeps costs down. Barter opens many doors and reduces taxes. Supporting others keeps cash in your pocket. A few trillion could change the face of global hunger. A million or two can enable you to travel, retire comfortably and probably allow you to pass something on to your children or favorite charity.
Periodic reviews keep you on track. Recognizing how to minimize taxes puts more cash in your pocket. As your reviews progress, you want to take responsibility for these reviews, so that you are directing the achievement of your goals with just a little guidance on our part. When Warren teaches college, career planning or some other course, he starts the class by saying the fastest way to learn is to teach. So he asks a few questions and soon the students are teaching the class with a little guidance. That is what you want your reviews to become. Soon you will be looking for ways to minimize your taxes and achieve your goals.
Explore More
Click the 735 Plan picture at the top of this page on the left to enter our 735 Plan Training module. If you don’t want to dig into all the details, you can click the links above on the left to read some 735 stories, review Step by Step Financial Planning, compare Step by Step with Comprehensive Planning and check out payment strategies and taxes. You can also explore our Action Planning membership and a little about how to do and how to benefit from coaching.
the 735 Plan stories give you specific examples of how a growing business, a church, a potential delinquent, a typical family and a struggling mom use Chimorel’s 735 Plan. Busines Development Inc initiates a business membership that becomes a 2100 Plan. Mye Church uses Chimorel’s nonprofit development program to raise funds, gain 500 new members and enhance its mission program. Action Delinq stays out of jail after assaulting a teacher, while his parents achieve some financial goals. The Typicals step into Chimorel Step by Step financial planning. Youra Client deals with an alcoholic husband and a precocious daughter, then goes on to become to create a new job.
You can compare Step by Step planning with Comprehensive Planning. Step by Step financial planning will go with you throughout the rest of your life as you move from creating a career to planning for the satisfactions in you later years. The Typicals use the Comprehensive Plan model, then continue the Step by Step plan to broaden their financial planning.
You don’t need to pay for your 735 Plan all in cash. Payment alternatives and taxes shows you the benefits of using various alternatives and makes it possible for any motivated person, family, business or nonprofit, regardless of their circumstances, to achieve significant goals and solve major problems.
Chimorel’s memberships automatically move to higher levels as you stay involved. You spend money, volunteer time, enroll other members, support others and progress to achieve any goal you want to achieve from $2500 to multi-millions throughout the rest of your life and beyond to supporting your children’s children. And just maybe you will have a significant impact on making the world a little better.
Chimorel uses the coaching model to support your growth, to enable businesses to become more profitable and to encourage nonprofits to get their constituents involved. We have started the coaching training. This training will eventually become another training module.

Chimorel will be producing food at the Sanctuary.

Chimorel4U and our shopping mall already offer members limited discounted pricing.

Volunteers at Chimorel receive special perks similar to a volunteer cooperative.
The Chimorel Cooperative is not yet fully developed, but You might be able to save $3000-10,000+/yr with the programs that are currently available. For example, in our Buy Stuff” area, you can save substantially on some things right now.
Right now, we can help you reduce the cost of many things through programs like our Home Builder and Virtual Auction programs., but there is a long way to go for other things you may need. When there is sufficient buying power, we will negotiate directly with manufacturers, wholesalers and service providers. If you want to help develop the cooperative just let us know. The cooperative will be a producer, volunteer and consumer cooperative.
What is a …
… producer, volunteer and consumer cooperative?
Cooperatives can take many forms. Some cooperatives are formed by manufacturers, wholesalers, service providers and others to market their goods and services to others and reduce marketing and distribution costs. This allows them to pass savings on to their customers. This kind of cooperative is a producer cooperative. As a producer cooperative members and affiliates can offer goods and services to other members at reduced prices.
As a consumer cooperative voting and affiliate members will be able to buy a wide variety of products and services at substantially reduced prices.
As a volunteer cooperative, those willing to volunteer their time can reduce prices and pay their membership fees. The 735 Plan gives you many ways to reduce costs.
Chimorel is developing a broad range of affiliates and already has more than 100 merchants associated with its Buy Stuff program. Many of these merchants and affiliates provide you with discounts and other ways to save money. Warren recently bought $80 worth of medicine for his pets at $65. The Chimorel Group received an additional $12 in commissions. As a fully paid Resource Developer, Warren earns $10.80 for sending his wife to this site. You could use the entire $12 in Chimorel Bucks to pay part of your Chimorel fees for your 735 Plan.
Joining the Cooperative
Voting and associate members will be entitled to (1) save directly on regular purchases for food, clothing, appliances, vehicles and a variety of other goods and services; (2) offer their own goods and services (at an agreed upon discount) to other members; (3) pool volunteer resources to build a house, start a business or accomplish many other things; (4) buy large ticket items (boats, campers, tools, etc.) jointly, then share with other members according to a suitable agreement; and (5) do such other things as the voting members and/or board of the cooperative may authorize.
Each Chimorel 735 Plan member is eligible for membership in the Chimorel Cooperative. The cooperatives’ Board of Directors will approve new voting members who:
(1) have developed and are actively working on a 735 Plan,
(2) have fully paid the initial $735 Family/Individual or $2100 Business membership fee, and
(3) have completed their 75 hour Family/Individual or 210 hour Business service commitment.
Voting members are automatically renewed annually on payment of their annual fee and/or meeting their annual service commitment. The cooperatives ‘ Board will approve new associate members who enter into a 735 Plan.
Employees of a member of the Chimorel Group who complete a satisfactory probation period for their employer may choose from the firm’s Cafeteria Plan to have the firm pay the $735 membership fee.
Each client, investor or business associate of a member of the Chimorel Group may also become a member of the Chimorel Cooperative by initiating a 735 Plan, paying the fee and meeting the service commitment.
Investors of $500,000 or more in a Chimorel investment or entity established through Chimorel’s Business Incubation program may receive initial membership in the cooperative without additional charge when such businesses are funded.